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Yo! You mind testing this out?

Will do! I will get on this today or tomorrow :)

My Discord handle is NarraDes. Feel free to add me so we can continue on there.

I am rarely on discord so I would rather talk here. Also, did you test it yet?

(1 edit)

Yes. Here is my feedback:

Airplane – Game testing feedback

  • The first time I tried loading the game in browser it didn’t load even after 5 mins of waiting. I refreshed the page and it loaded fine after that.
  • The music is very loud, I had my volume up halfway and I had to turn it down to about 10/100.
  • There are so many bold colours being used for everything that I can’t focus too well. At least when the game is not being played you could add a dark overlay to the background colours. This well help the buttons and text be more visible.
  • The colours used for the city’s reflection are better than the main colour scheme.
  • I would recommend adding spacebar as a pause button.
  • Once the missiles are in play then its hard to continue the game for too much longer. Perhaps you could add more elements into play e.g. abilities, powerups etc.
  • Its not fun it it’s the same thing over and over without any sign of change. E.g. after you last longer than 50-100 seconds something could change.
  • I think the hearts/lives should be placed on the black area where the pause button it.
  • Is the smoke supposed to come out of the plane when you loose lives? I don’t think it happened the first few times I played the game.
  • The pause button colour scheme doesn’t match the rest of the colour scheme.
  • The text in the settings menu is very hard to read, especially because the city is a dark grey colour.
  • All of the buttons are in different places for different menus. It would be good to have a consistent place that the player unconsciously knows that it is going to be e.g. bottom right o middle of the screen. And don’t have the buttons right next to the edge of the screen either.
  • It would be great if you gradually increased the difficulty by increasing the speed.
  • If the plane is flying through the air then the smoke should reflect that by moving left behind the plane (not up).
  • In the shop, the plane you have equipped should be the first one you see. Even after I buy another plane then the blue and red plane is the first one I see.
  • You need more elements that will make the player want to play for longer e.g. achievements.
  • When on the main menu, the small text under the title could be improved and made more prominent. Make it bolder and more comedic.
  • I like the fact that you can make the plane go off screen however I would advise only allowing half of the plane to go off screen. On the bottom of the screen, you can go all the way off.

    Of course, these are just my thoughts and opinions based on my experience. Totally up to you what you want to pick and choose from this :) Hope it helped

First off. The pause button isn't in the actual game. I made the packager put it outside of the box. Also, I cannot change the color of the pause button nor can I put anything beside it.

Also, yes smoke does appear but only when your at 3,2, or 1hp. No particles will show when you die. (excluding the explosion particles)

And yes, I am aware you can disappear at the bottom left of the screen but if you noticed, you cant camp there as the missiles can still get you.

I am also adding a volume slider soon and I was also thinking about a dark overlay.

Thx for the feedback!