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Easiest way would probably be to edit cis_intro_part2 and swap out the cc_intro_startermonsterselect / nickname logic; rather than making a monster choice menu and wait for your input, the startermonsterselect script would instead fill your party with the monsters you want:

var amp = amp_get_new_party_id();

First get the ID of the first empty slot in the party, then generate a monster there using its species and level, repeat as many times as you want. There's matching get-first-free-slot functions for the boxes and the temporary enemy slots, too.

To go through every monster like this, rather than hardcoding the monster_id you could loop from 0 to MONSTER_MAX.

Also note that if you really want the player to have every monster in the party, you probably want to increase PARTYSIZE_ACTIVE from 6.

(1 edit)

Amazing!!! i love this engine so much.  Also i tried to add a Monster.  I tried to just input the code in init_monsters but do i need to also add the the "monster_WRAITHMANITA" somewhere else?  What is the best way to add a monster.  if you put this tutorial somewhere let me know thank you for your quick response and everything!

NM I FOUND IT IN CONSTANTS where to put the Macro!

(1 edit)

If you haven't found it yet, try middle-clicking constant / function names to immediately open the script file where they're created. Super useful when navigating a large project. (So in this case, you could've clicked any of the monster_ constants to go to the file where they're defined, and that'd been the place to add new ones)

Also the ctrl-shift-F and ctrl-P hotkeys for opening global search / jump-to-asset can be useful if you know something's name but can't find it.

great short cut thank you!

Also it worked! thank you! one last thing. How i can I code so Player can run away from Trainers? 

The menu event script for this is mev_battle_escape, you'd just need to remove the special case for trainer battles.

Though you might need to take further measures to prevent the player from immediately ending up in a rematch, cc_battlestart_trainer saves the player's position after they've entered the trainer's vision range. So you'd either need to keep track of a previous position somewhere so you can deposit the player out of harm's way, or maybe give the player a temporary invincibility to further battles after they get away (and while this countdown is ongoing obj_npc_trainer's User Event 2 code - which is where they look for players - will ignore them)

Ok thank you I shall attempt this!

what would be the best way to just remove the trainer from forcing me into a battle.  I don't need that functionality in the game i'm building  The player would initiate the battle by walking up and pressing the action button.


NM i figured it out!  I think i am good to go for now!!! time to start building!~