This game seemed like it had a lot of potential. I really looked forward to it because the aesthetic reminded me of Undertale from its art style, which I really enjoy and appreciate. I was real intrigued with the storyline and had wished it was more development. It was real interesting when it started off by you "turning" into the monster. There were so many elements in the story that had me wanting to know more, like after finding out Slumbo was a monster was really interesting. Also more about Mr. Green too.
However, it had so many bugs in web and downloaded version.
Some NPCs you talk to freeze your game.
Sometimes when you bump into the monster your game freezes.
The transitions between place were too fast.
When transitioning, you could see the old place flash before the new one, looked glitchy.
Slumbo was an invisible NPC before interacting with Green.
I could go off screen into the black part of screen by the Ghost Fire hydrant.
You could get to the end screen without having to collect all eggs.
I didn't like that I could just press ESC and it quit out of whole game because sometimes I would accidentally press it and lose all of my progress.
I wished there was more music in the areas besides it just being in the title screen because that would really help with the environment atmosphere.
I saw it said it was an RPG and was really looking forward to entering some sort of combat, but didn't find it anywhere and only the exploration.
It was nice that there was music for the area with the telephone code, but I also was really looking forward and expecting a battle from it too besides the dialogue with the character and the egg.
Wasn't sure what to do with the NPC who was asking who painted it, not even sure if YES was a working option.
I definitely would like to see this game grow!