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A member registered Dec 09, 2021 · View creator page →

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The game is nicely done strategy RPG in game design. It is an interesting concept. The art and music was cool too. 


There needs to be an in game tutorial that walks you through how to play along with the one in the title menu step by step. I was confused when entering the game until I figured out a few things like:

  • Enemies have a different color when you click on them.
  • When you move close to an enemy you can perform an attack after
  • If you move and go to a different character or click away from character selected, you can’t do any more actions on the previous character.
  • I also didn’t know that if you didn’t move you couldn’t perform an attack.

There needs to be a better transition between title screen, and from level to level.
There needs to be a different theme for the levels.
There needs to be better indicators for dealing damage whether visually or through SFX
There also needs to be some movement SFX
I don’t think the player should be able to see the enemy’s grid for moving character because visually it can be distracting and take up a lot of space on screen. 
I really liked the stats system that was nice. 
The leveling system and sfx were great.
I wish more could have been used with the stat system in terms of special attacks and other attacks.
I wish I could see what specific attack my characters and the enemy characters were doing.
I really liked the different format with the ways you could play the strategy game with its modes. 
Nice job on the terrain element, it definitely added a layer to battle.
The weapon triangle was also nice.

Definitely keep up development on this, but well done so far!

Awesome thanks for letting me know 

Game was interesting. I liked the art and the effects.

Demo Feedback:
I wish there was more content, at least story wise.
I liked the different options for controls.
The control menu lay out was nice as well.
Title screen was nice.
I wish there was more of an indicator when you pause, like maybe a menu for it as well
There is a big lag spike in web when you click start the game
Movement feels too slow and needs some fine tuning to make it smoother.
Wish there was some form of dash for better mobility
I also wish the level in the background moved like a parallax one because it made the vibe feel more like an endless how high can you score rather than moving towards something with an end goal. I wish there was an explanation on the change weapons in game about what they do.
SFX was nice 
There was a weird pause for a long while when I reached a score of 300 which spawned the boss later.
I wished the music changed when the boss appeared.
I wished there were SFX for when you hit the enemies and the boss.
I wish there were SFX for when the player ship takes damage.
There was also a weirdly long pause when you defeated the boss before the end screen plays
Wished there were SFX for when you defeat the boss

Overall nice work on the game so far!

I really liked the concept of the game. It was fun and interesting.

There needs to be clarity in the art outside and insides of distinguished buildings.
There also needs to be some more action in the game because the pace felt kind of slow and not entirely engaging.
I wish I could have seen my character moving towards things on the mini map. 
I wish there was an intense background theme for the story mode while you progress I think that would be nice.
It would be nice to have a sprint/dash button for faster travel.

Overall though nice work so far.

This is a really detailed and well thought out text based game. There is definitely a lot of context and you can really get invested into the story and its choice. I plan to come back to finish my save file so I could really experiment, but I liked what was going on so far. Few things I do suggest is that I wish there was music or some type of sounds and I wish I could make screen full in web because it was a lil difficult trying to read everything on a smaller sized screen. Well done so far!

Simple and nicely executed concept. I liked the art. The title screen and the sounds were also cool.

Title screen music was good.
The music for the gameplay I feel could be different cause I don't feel it totally matches the vibe.
Controls were definitely simple but I feel they could be fine tuned because the turning felt too slow for gameplay.
I wish there was a sound when you were moving.

Overall, nice work on your entry!

Nice job on your entry. I liked the title screen and the music was nice.

The screen was kind of big in web build.
You could move faster than your bullets when walking and shooting.
I liked the controls on the screen, but felt they took up too much space. 
For play through I opted into using WASD
Art was alright for gameplay. 
The double jump needs to be clearer with some form of animation or indicator because it just looks like a high jump.
For the shoot it might be a better option to left mouse click. 
The first level should have been a tutorial that teaches you how to play the game
After you collect the key, I was confused that you had to press W to the person at the end in the booth.
Movement needs adjustments because it was floaty.
I liked the wall jump, but this definitely needs an explanation before performing it and an animation as well. 
Sometimes when you jump and you land on the side of a block, it pushes you back with great knock back. 
I couldn’t tell what the item for the key was and feel that should be made clearer.
There needs to be an animation for climbing up ladders.
The death animation/screen was real nice.

Overall, good work so far!

This was a really fun and innovative puzzle game. It has nice sounds and art. Nice work on the design and feel. I really liked the generate stage feature.  In the tutorial I was a little confused, it said to carve a Moai into a rock, but I wish it had explained that I had to move into it to carve it and same thing for moving it. 

Overall, well done!

 I really liked the concept of the game a lot and feel it has potential. There are things that need to be polished and reworked, but it is definitely getting to the right idea. There were also really strong aspects about the game too though. I wish there was more to do in the over world. For instance more buildings to explore, quests to go on, and battles to enter. The cover art was great, but I feel that the rest of the art style could be improved. It wasn’t bad at all, but at times things needed to be more readable and in certain parts it got blurry. There definitely also needs to be some reworks with the story for more clarify and cohesion for guidance along with wording edits. I really enjoyed the battle system that was probably one of my favorite parts of the game and would love to see more of this because there were so few battles. I was intrigued in exploration and story. Definitely keep up development on this idea because I would love to see it grow. I’m still in the process of playing the game, and really liked how there was a save system so I could come back, but wanted to leave a review with my thoughts while it was fresh and on my mind. Looking forward to how things are gonna go down in the end. Well done so far!

This game was solid. I really liked the aesthetic, art, music and overall vibe of the game. Controls were cool. The mechanics were creative and I liked the high score section at the end. Well done!

I liked the mechanics of the game a lot.
The camera adjustment feature was nice.
Movement for the most part was pretty smooth and clean.
Controls had some different options besides the regular ones as a option which was interesting.
There was a big lag spike when first using dash, but went away after.
Same thing for after completing the mono dash in the tutorial. 
I wish there was sound.
I liked that you added more to the levels, especially adding the requirement to get more than just one star for completion in later levels. The levels overall were fun and varied.
Well done!

Seemed like a cool game. Had some decent art and sound. I was confused though why there was a message to sign in to google to play. Overall though, nice work!

This concept was really cool and innovative. Definitely very interesting with its mechanics and design. Keep up development on this. Good job! 

The concept was really innovative with combinations for solving puzzles with different statues. Gameplay was a fun puzzle experience with a nice art style, mechanics and sound effects. Definitely keep developing this. Well done!

Fun short clicker game. The goals was a nice incentive for completion, but wished there was more when you completed everything. It would have been nice if there was some sound too, but I did enjoy myself. Well done!

Real fun playable game. I really enjoyed it and liked the mechanics. I loved the idea, and the music was great. Keep up development on this! Well done!

Nice concept for a game. Mechanics were neat. I really liked the art style. Music was good too.

I wish when you press exit in game it brought you to home screen instead of quitting. 
Definitely was chaotically fun. 
The bounciness was nice.
I like that you added a leaderboard, good incentive for replay. 
I liked the effects you used throughout game as well 

Well done!

Interesting take on Black Jack. I had a fun challenge playing.

The sounds for cards moving was nice. 
Where were the special card abilities? 
I liked the card animation when you left out of the how to play screen.
I wished there was sound with it and for the buttons.
I like the discard mechanic was great. 
It is good that you can only discard until the dealer stands.
I had an incentive to win to get to a 50 score to see what was at the end, build off this.
I wish there was more than just the sound board when you got 50 score though. 
For instance if the dealer wins then that could affect you next time around with your hand.
An example is to have a chance to receive a curse card which gives you a negative number instead of a positive one.
I wish there was an option to make the game's speed faster like in terms of the cards moving animation. 

Overall, nice work!

The idea was interesting. Art style is real nice. I liked the music too. I would like to see more development on the project.  Excited to see how the story will expand and what will shape the game.

I liked the faster text speed option, real helpful. 
Sometimes the dialogue box would stay on screen in different menus, for instance it was there when I went to config.
I wish the skip message was a button you could press rather than going to a menu for it.
I liked the take on rock paper scissors with different attacks.
Would be nice to add a tutorial in game for how everything works before getting into battle.
I am not sure if the opponent is also using rock paper scissors mechanic, but if so I'd think it would be helpful to see what they choose as well.

Well done on entry!

Neat concept and twist on the Tower Defense genre with a cool 3d aesthetic. Game was fun. Sounds were cool. 

The power up idea was great. 
Movement could be smoother, felt kind of sword and not dynamic enough.
I wish there was an adjustment for camera sensitivity because it was too floaty for my liking. 
I liked the zoom in and out feature.
The level music was nice.
The ambience in the title screen over powers the music.
The game didn't outside of full screen.
The instructions need to be put in the beginning somewhere and not in the options when you start the game
There could also be a tutorial as an alternative. 
Also the options in the game have some blurriness to its text.

Overall, nice work!

Simple, but nice endless runner with good music and a nice art style. Seeing the highest scores was nice. Controls felt good too.

It would be nice to spice up the endless runner a bit by having a mini game or boss fight that you have to avoid their attacks for a certain period to progress. 
Also more obstacles and maybe like a jump would be cool for going over higher objects.
I do agree on the gradual increase in cows so that it builds up or at least more randomized, that would be nice and help with difficulty too.

Overall though, nice work!

Really neat concept of shooting and combination. I really liked the chill music as well, it was a vibe. Sounds were cool too. 
Overall well done and I'd like to see more development on this project!

I thought this was a really cool concept. I know it was intended for 2 players, but it was a fun challenge trying to see if you could do it with one person. Art was nice and sounds were good. 

Suggestion: It would be nice if there was an option to have just one person do it with a vertical dual screen instead. 

Overall, nice work!

Nice Tower Defense Game. Good art and Music. Definitely would like to see more development on it.

Would have been nice if there was a speed up option to toggle on and off too. 
Would also be interesting if there were enemies who could destroy towers or deal damage to them. 

This was really nice and definitely has a lot of potential. You should definitely keep going and expanding this because it is really interesting! 

Interesting concept. Definitely would like to see more development on it as a whole. 


I think it could be more fast paced because it is too slow right now just waiting for the birds to hit the edge.
If you had something where the movement was fast and you also implemented some point and click for direction of movement when you press space that might be a nice touch.
I recommend reworking the animations and also varying up their positions and where they land. 
Maybe when they hit the walls and bounce off that could be a chance to perform a special attack to dash into enemies or items. 
I think it would also help if you had some nice music in the background along with the sfx you have. 

Over nice work though!

Cool concept. Nice art and music.


Would have been nice to see timer for how much time left and your score in game because at first I didn't know if it would end.
I like how you had a custom difficulty setting, nice touch.
The difficulty settings were nice.

Good work!

Real good game. Nice art style, music, gameplay and mechanics. It was definitely a challenge, but a good and enjoyable one. Well done!

This was a great game. Rizz on the ultimate level. 


I loved the story and challenge to get an ending. 
Loved the art style and aesthetic. 
Real neat concept with the cards. 
I enjoyed playing through and had a fun with it. 
I really liked how you obtained cards at the end with your points, that was clever. 
I definitely want to see more stuff like this. 
I really liked when you had the mystery scenarios for extra stuff to get cards and points.

Well done!

Game was nice. I loved the art style. Solid work on this! Keep working on it, excited to see how you change up the gameplay style from The Binding of Isaac


I couldn't hear any sound on web.
Bombs sometimes didn't do damage also could go off screen. 
The music for the level needed some build up, it kind of jumped up at you when you started. 
I didn't feel the boss music totally fit it was too cheerful and upbeat for the aesthetic of the game. 

Overall though nice work so far!

This was honestly amazing. Really well thought out concept and was very fun and enticing to play. You definitely had to have some patience and focus, but it was worth it. You made it fun and enjoyable. Great use of sound effects here. I also liked the art. Well done!

I thought the concept was nice and simple. 


I liked the progression of difficulty in the levels, but feel it needs adjustment on speed.
I didn't like how I had to restart from the very first level if I died on later levels. 
I do wish my health didn't transfer over in later levels.
I wish there was music or sound. The art was cool though.
The game doesn't resize in full screen.

Nice work!

I thought the concept was nice. I liked the chill music and I liked the art style and the effects you had.


Controls for aiming and throwing definitely need adjustments because they felt too low on sensitivity, control and smoothness. I'd have to use my cursor almost all the way off the screen just to land on the edge of the pots. 
It would be nice to see an indicator as well on when you aim and throw. 

Overall, cool stuff

Simple concept, but was fun and cool.
The movement was too rigid and fast, it needs to be smoother for a better feel.
The difficulty increases very fast in a short period. It would be better if it was gradual over a longer period of time.

Overall, nice job!

This game definitely has a lot of potential and I would really like to see more development from it. I love card games and the concept of this was interesting. The art style was great too. I loved the story aspects along with figuring out the path.

Movement did feel slow at times and wished the pace could have been faster. 

Overall, good work so far, and looking forward to more. 

Neat concept.
Controls were innovative and movement felt nice.
I really loved the different effects you had from the movement of the character, to the movement and destroying of the asteroids, it was real clean. 
I also liked the sound effects and music. I liked the touch of the golden meteor from time to time. 
I really liked how when you managed to defeat the fast moving golden meteor that it gave you double shot, very rewarding. 
The pause sound effect was really nice to hear.

Suggestion: It would be cool if you could explore around the world more because I noticed when I moved around close to the edge the camera would kind of follow and it made me feel that I would be able to go further out into the world, while also still having to survive in the game

Another thing that would have been cool would be some sort of big slow moving asteroid that you really have to focus on to defeat and it needs a certain amount of hits before it blows up. This could kind of be like a boss/minigame level, but I think it would be fun to add.

Overall, nice work!

Seemed like an interesting concept. Music was cool. I would like to see more development from this.

I never saw any robots spawn to attack me until like the very end where it was probably like a 100 of them that came and a bunch more when the boss spawned.
I wished I could hover over the icons to know what they do. 
I really liked when the timer hit 0 that a boss appeared and the music changed. The boss looked cool, but I wish the rest of the game was in that style because it was 3d and stood out more from the rest of the game.
The map may have been too big and could probably be shortened for a better survival and defending experience while still having sand box elements.

Overall, nice work though!

This game is really polished and has so much content. The art is solid, the sound is nice and the gameplay is solid. Well done!

Nice concept with cool gameplay. Art was cool. The sounds there would cool, but I wished there were more. Definitely complete the game. 


I was confused at the beginning on what to do with all of the people in the area.

Overall, nice work!