I really liked the concept of the game a lot and feel it has potential. There are things that need to be polished and reworked, but it is definitely getting to the right idea. There were also really strong aspects about the game too though. I wish there was more to do in the over world. For instance more buildings to explore, quests to go on, and battles to enter. The cover art was great, but I feel that the rest of the art style could be improved. It wasn’t bad at all, but at times things needed to be more readable and in certain parts it got blurry. There definitely also needs to be some reworks with the story for more clarify and cohesion for guidance along with wording edits. I really enjoyed the battle system that was probably one of my favorite parts of the game and would love to see more of this because there were so few battles. I was intrigued in exploration and story. Definitely keep up development on this idea because I would love to see it grow. I’m still in the process of playing the game, and really liked how there was a save system so I could come back, but wanted to leave a review with my thoughts while it was fresh and on my mind. Looking forward to how things are gonna go down in the end. Well done so far!