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Thanks Ray. 

I guess it might be, because I'm trying to use the executable on a Linux Mint LMDE(Debian) and I had made it on a Linux Mint(Ubuntu).

Right now, I'm trying to install Raylib on Linux Mint LMDE, but it's a struggle.

I have read that the installation can be as simple as this:

1. git clone

2. cd raylib

3. cmake .  gives lots of errors

4. make

I fairly new to Linux and uses CodeBlocks and C99.

After many issues, I think the above is okay. Now I got errors about rlgl.h line 1200  gives undefined reference to 'sqrtf' and many more raymath.h e.g.

That seems related to math library, are you linking with some math library? 

I don't think so, but now I got rid of that error and can compile without errors and warnings.

When I try to run the compiled file, the console shows: error while loading shared libraries: cannot shared object file: No such file or directory

That error is related to linking with raylib shared library and not found by executable, I recommend linking with raylib static library.

I linked with libraylib.a and had to add an m, before I could compile. 

And the

DrawText("Congrats! You created your first window!", 190, 200, 20, LIGHTGRAY);

was shown on the screen. 

The m did remove the error "undefined reference to 'sqrtf'" error.

Big thanks!

Nice! Glad it finally worked! Hope you enjoy raylib! 😄

Worth it. The old database uses graphics.h you were inspired by. Because of the need of editing i have to address each character. The old database use extended ASCII. In the new database I have to convert to UTF8 in Raylib (Danish) when showing on the screen, but still save data as extended ASCII because of compatibility. Quite a task for a hobby programmer but doable with Raylib!

So many thanks for a great libray!