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It's a quick but great experience.

The art is amazing, really. The music also fits the game really well. The gameplay itself is pretty basic, with some simple combat and easy-to-use weapons, which goes along with the climax of this short story. Even though you can finish it in 5 minutes, it is fairly imersive, and you feel empathy for the characters, too. The voice acting is incredible, and the dialogues are pretty interesting as well.

Honestly, the only complaint I have is that you didn't put "space to shoot" in the controls in the game's description, so I kinda took some time to figure that out, but other than that there's not much to criticize.

It's not a complex game, but it certainly has it's charm. Nice job!


Dude you had such a useful critique. I completely forgot to mention the damn "spacebar".  Seriously, thank you. Appreciate your kind comment and rating. Cheers!