hmm, a bear raped shion and ekaterina to death that was a bit imbal. And I thought I was being smart by avoiding the lockers. I like how the game just quit after you acknowledge that you died, that felt kind nice.
um, it would be nice to have the HP stacked vertically regardless of name width, like loop over all names for your party (and separately for enemy party) remember longest, pad shorter to that, I think it might also be nice to %2d or so the numbers to help them line up too maybe? Also if the enemy party could be shifted over to the right with leading spaces to make it like pokemon red/blue how you were bottom left and they were top right that might be nice too.
At first I thought I was not going to like this, but surprisingly it didn't seem to complicated. I like how it is basically an auto battler. I stopped after Igot lost then saw jaberwoky had so much health.