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  • I made a copy of the map to show names can fit in the hexes; I used the same font and size as you use for instructions.  but! This is also a spoiler map because I added colours to show artifacts and run-ending hexes to illustrate my next point.  (ugh, auto-embeds, I have to post a corrupt url. https //
  • There's only three possible first moves, and the "obvious" first move is 19->17 because the artifact on 17 is the only way deal with "obstacles", and encountering an obstacle (ie 19->15) promptly ends the run AND incurs a penalty on your next run, sending you back to 19 where 19->17 is one of the choices.
  • The only L3 move worth getting is Bitcrush, because there are no "traps" nor "barriers" on the map, just "obstacles" and "enemies".
  • When I use Daemonware, are Datafiend and Sourcespawn considered "adjacent" to Dreadcode (because I can move from Dreadcode to those hexes in one move), even though they're on the far edges of the hexflower?

I hope I don't come across as harsh. I'm being critical because I think this idea really has legs so I'm putting in the energy to scrutinize it. The theme is great, hexflower as a dungeon-crawl feels like it has a lot of meat on these bones.  Hell, perfect optimization becomes a milquetoast experience, don't try to smooth out every wrinkle.

Oh wow! You did a lot of work! Don't worry, I'm not taking this as harsh, I love the feedback and it's exactly what I was hoping for. I didn't have enough time to playtest this so I knew there would be issues with it. I also attempted to code a "playtester-AI" but it became very complicated, very fast (it might be an even bigger project than the game itself).

So, again, thank you very much for taking the time to play this and take serious notes. I really appreciate it and will try to incorporate these either in its next iteration or future hex-flower games.