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I found an OpenForum thread from 2002 that was, from what I can tell, a guessing game about video game quotes. The text is slightly hard to read, coupled with me being dyslexic, but I was still able to find a reference to the quote. I searched up Jazz Jackrabbit screenshots and videos, and one stream recording of the game made the same claim about this quote. I couldn't see it in the credits, but again, that could be due to my dyslexia acting up; I can sometimes skip entire paragraphs, which is why I try to remember to double-check everything I read.

Ah, interesting, so someone was using it as trivia on a quiz. Yeah like I said, not in the credits per-say, it's at the end of the instructions section in the menu. But still, good catch!

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I'm sorry for suddenly jumping back into our conversation, but I had another weird and sort of morbid question. 

I won't specify where it's said, as I don't want to accidentally spoil too much for other players, but there's a piece of dialogue that says Mezz "trimmed down the ranks" of the gangsters. Is Mezz a no-kill kind of hero, and this dialogue implies he simply hurts enemies to the point of being out of commission? Or does he sometimes hit hard enough to kill? Even what amounts to a well-crafted stick can cause catastrophic damage if swung with enough velocity and into the right areas of the body.

I know this sounds extremely morbid, but I always am curious if combatant (especially armed) heroes follow a no-kill rule or not. 

Side note, does Dragon's Breath cause physical damage to hyenas after long-term abuse? I know it's already shown to cause mental disturbance (not even counting suggestibility in other species), but I can't stop thinking about how a drug like that would ruin a person's body over time.

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I've intentionally left it vague. It's mostly video-game logic: you can bring a giant buster sword down on someone and bring their HP down to zero, but they're not dead, just "defeated", whatever that means. Making it explicit that he's murdering every single one of the enemies seemed like the wrong tone, and doesn't quite fit his character. To be clear though, Mezz isn't Spiderman/Batman, he's perfectly fine with killing (though you should probably picture it as a more cartoony killing, rather than him drenched in blood or something). It's just that he's somewhat of a stealth character, so he USUALLY favors knockouts; he sees killing as sloppy and unimpressive, but not off the table. You don't live your whole life in the ruined city and not kill. Even Scratch probably has a few notches (though I'm not definitively specifying there). But Diezel and Khazeem for example are 100% dead in the appropriate endings, and it's at least somewhat Mezz's fault.

Now, does all this mean that that bit of narration about "trimming the ranks" means he ended them all, or just crippled them for a while? Whichever you prefer, though I think my intention was more toward the latter; again, he prefers not to kill because it's sloppy, and doesn't fit as well with the "hero" identity/delusion he's crafted for himself. He is, like all good people, trying to live up to a somewhat unattainable ideal. But he's not unrealistically hard-line about it.

As for Dragon's Breath's potential for physical damage, the answer is that it's never been fully determined. Anyone who's not a hyena either ends up a sex slave (which tends to have a fairly...unimpressive career length) or ends up wandering off before training is complete and dying because their sex obsession and empty-headedness leads to the neglect of basic self-preservation: starving, tumbling off a high ledge, picking fights they shouldn't, etc. Anyone who IS a hyena goes crazy with violence and paranoia, and is murdered by other enterprising entrepreneurs before any physical signs of damage manifest. In the few cases where slaves/"Entertainment" have survived several years in their new roles however, no clear evidence of physical harm from the drug has manifested. But keep in mind that for "fresh meat" the drug is only used as an ensnarement and training tool for conditioning, then discontinued once the new assets are ready, so there's no continual abuse that might lead to further damage. Mahir only uses the clicker in the end.

ALSO: Was thinking over my comments on Mezz's name and realized I'm forgetting my own...lore? Dev lore? Originally I was going for a musical theme in naming for the first game, though I gave up on it pretty quick ("Diezel" is a brand of amplifier for example). "Mezz" is a reference to Mezzo, as in Mezzo Forte. "Medium". Get it? Cause he's short?


I actually was kind of curious if there were more music references hidden around, as there was the Dowland graffiti, not to mention the title "Serenade." I completely missed the name references for the characters, since I don't really know much about music at all, let alone brands or types of instruments.

I get what you mean about ambiguity on enemies' fates, and I appreciate that it's not just a concrete "kills everybody or nobody" dynamic. Aaaand because I'm deranged, when you said "more cartoony killing," I envisioned Mezz replacing one of Mahir's cigarettes with a stick of dynamite.

Well hey, he IS a bunny after all. 

*Mahir blinks, covered in soot.* Aint I a stinker? *Chews carrot, then immediately spits it out once the take is over.*


My headcanon is that despite plant life being hard to come by, Mezz keeps a secret garden of carrots just in case he needs to go full Looney Tunes on whatever villain he's facing. 


Considering how many bars and clubs we come across, feel like there's some plants in indoor grow houses or hydroponic farms for making alcohol. Need some source of sugar for fermenting, herbs and spices for infusions, etc. Probably not high quality considering how Mezz reacts to it but enough to get the job done. 


I can see your point, although I imagine there would be cases of simply scrounging up pre-bottled booze from old buildings and such, which feels like the purview of Junkers mentioned in Scratch's computer. I bet this would also apply to other commodities, like pre-rolled tobacco products, canned or sealed foods, soda, even bottled water.

Again, Bitshift obviously decides what is canon. I'm simply speculating based on my own understanding of how these types of worlds tend to work in relation to resources.

You're both somewhat correct. Although I doubt it'll ever matter to the game in a major way, most food in the setting is either scavenged from pre-disaster ruins, or fresh-created stuff. The fresh stuff is mostly either nasty but nutritionally-balanced paste, or extremely questionable street food ala Demolition Man (remember the fried rat the one vendor sells). Pre-disaster society had absurdly good preservation tech, as evidenced by the burger description, so there's still a lot of that to find in the ruins, but it's still somewhat rare and requires work and risk to dig up, so it's more of a delicacy for the rich (with the possible exception of a few items, like the hamburger, that were SO mass-produced they're everywhere). Alcohol keeps well anyway (well, some of it), but I'd guess the bars are stocked with a mix of dug up relics and fresh stuff, since booze, like drugs, probably commands a high enough profit margin to make hydroponics and grow operations worthwhile, especially in The Gutter. Quality and ingredients are obviously going to go down outside of there though; most of what Havens sell is probably only slightly better than moonshine.


Sorry for randomly jumping back in here, but I didn't want to make a new post when I can keep it relatively consolidated here.

I was finishing my assignment, when a perfectly normal thought for any college student entered my mind. "Does a cartoon fuckbunny have romantic relations with a hacker mouse?" I know you hinted at Mezz and Scratch getting up to some stuff, but I am curious if it will be strictly sexual, or if there will be a romantic element to it. I honestly wondered if it was already romantic, as Scratch's disappointment when Mezz left the safehouse seemed less like he couldn't work up the courage, and more, "He never makes time for me." Or I could be completely wrong, I never was good at understanding social context. On a similar note, which one of them is larger? In stature, I mean... Yeah, let's go with that.

Ha, no you're good! As of where we are in the story currently, no, it's strictly a friendship, though there's definitely indications Scratch wants it to be something more. As to where that will end up, you'll have to keep tuning in to find out! Same bunny time, same bunny channel. As for height, Mezz is definitely taller, by a good  three to four inches. As to "height," again, mysteries may be revealed at a later date.

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So, Scratch really is tiny, then. I know by realistic standards, he would be colossal for a mouse, but I imagine keeping the height 100% realistic would make some really odd visuals. If you were trying to go for a micro/macro kink, I wouldn't be judging for it, but I have a distinct feeling that's not your goal. In general, furry characters tend to be rather unrealistic, but that usually comes with the territory of being... you know... humanoid animals (not real); rabbits don't have paw pads, but there are far worse inaccuracies out there, not to mention people should do what they want when it comes to fantasy.

So, I imagine the antagonists aren't really that big, just bigger than the protagonist?

On a note related to Mezz and Scratch, the idea of them getting romantic is particularly sweet, as I have a soft spot for cute characters kissing and snuggling. I know that sounds absolutely vanilla, but that is the way I am. I am looking forward to what you do with them, but I do understand that some fucked up stuff will happen first; it is "Cruel," after all.

I mean, he's roughly the same size as Mezz, just a little shorter. Using real-world measurements rather than proportions is always a bit fraught with stuff like this, but vaguely I put Mezz in the range of something like 4 feet (to the head, not to the ears). Scratch a little shorter. Officially, Mezz is about chest-height to the hyenas, the boars are a bit shorter (though Diezel is fucking massive). This flexes a bit as needed for a given scene though. But yeah, that would make the hyenas somewhere around 5/5.5 feet, Diezel even taller and WIDE. They're all a little more short and squat in proportions ("heads" high) than normal humans though, because IMHO that looks more visually appealing and cartoon-like.