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Absolutely love that, never heard of Pico-8 before, read up a bit on it, it's such a cool concept! Minimal and miniscule go real well hand in hand, and it absolutely shines in your game. The destructible environment really adds to the game, too. And the co-op, of course, I'm sure to some it doesn't look like much on the surface, but you've made quite the game in two days, and with a fairly limited engine no less. 

In general, I'm not a game developer, I actually work as a web developer lmao, mostly using TypeScript and NodeJS, which I love to death. I've used Unity and  XNA/Monogame before, but they were mostly for modding, I've never actually made a video game before. I chose Godot literally because it's the next popular thing I haven't tried, and I have to say, it's pretty incredible and open source! I'm a little embarrassed I missed the TypeScript integration mod for the engine, although GDScript is not bad at all, considering it's basically Python. The idea of the game came from me and my friend Max we're writing ideas down, and we ended up with that weird poem instead. Max is studying animation as we speak, and they're still in the hand-drawn phase, so that's what we chose. Literally pencil, paper, water-color, and a scanner. And a bit of PhotoShop, of course. 

Thanks a ton!