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I hope i am not annoying people who are reading the comments, but if you're new here, just ignore or even block a d*ck called damalon, he's a spammer and he is always acting like a 8 years old, I hope you won't give bad reviews or something like that because of him, this is a great game. To be honest, is damalon even 18 yet??? but I don't think anyone care, so if @damalon you're really 8 years old, go cry and complain to your mum loool.


Well, it has 5 stars based on 5023 ratings so even if a few people were to join his crusade based on "lack of communication" and progress, I think the effect would be rather negligible. And him downrating every comment once isn't as devastating as he believes either I am sure.


I dont think I am having any effect at all.


Good, I hope you don't have any effect and all your effort is for nothing ☺️👍.