Cute simple platformer, but very impresive for being your first game! Congrats!
Here's my feedback:
- Lack of feedback when receiving damage. Would be great for a hitstun, character flashing white, knockback or something.
- If you drop off a ledge and press the jump, the character levitates for a bit before falling. I doubt that was intended.
- Does the game end? Honestly I quit a couple of minutes after seeing all 3 bosses and weapons.
- Maybe more variety with the doors, so far I only saw the 3 bosses, 3 weapons and the + or - hp.
- Some music would definitely help add more feel to the game, even some simple beats. I thought it was pretty "lifeless" without any.
Despite everything, I still think you did a pretty good job if this was really your first game made ever. Keep it up!