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A member registered Oct 26, 2022 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Hello everyone! Im Tomineitor and I've been working on a game for the last year or so.

Check out the (WIP) demo here *

*Note that this is a work-in-progress of the demo, which I intend to make into a full game one day.

*I'd advise to lower the video's volume*

The game is about an amnesiac girl who finds herself in a unknown place, but a note on the ground is her only lead to discover what is going on.

Gameplay-wise, this game is a mix of a 2D exploration-platformer with turn-based battles.

My biggest inspirations were Paper Mario (64) and Paper Mario: TTYD (GC) regarding the Action Commands for the battle skills, the Level Up system (three choices) and the customization system (which is basically the same as the Badges in said games).

As far as gameplay mechanics go, I'd say Im around 80% done, but there are still a lot of content to add (enemies, items, skills, etc).

The aspect Im the most behind is the level design. So far I have used around 50% of the space I have planned for the first level (which acts as the demo portion for the game)

I'll do my best to keep this topic/thread as I progress more on the game.

See ya!

Thank you all!

I really want to thank everybody that took their time to try and rate my game, and specially those that took the extra effort to write all the amazingly helpfull feedback!

This was a really wonderful experience, I even got to be the most rated game of the jam (131 ratings), which to me was a super cool achievment, even if I didn't manage to get in the top of any category, I got proud of my little game, particularly because I managed to make it all from scratch just by myself and in only 4.5 nights (yeah I joined late to the jam hahaha)

Game Update

As a thank you back for the wonderful experience, I cooked a significant update for the game, including many changes related to the feedbacks you all wrote, so yeah, no more annoying bats and weapons/upgrades repeating each other, along with a bunch of other stuff

Here's the full changelog: https://tomineitor.itch.io/locked-in-the-doorgeon/devlog/688731/update-1-post-ja...

I hope that in the future I can make a nother update adding more rooms, upgrades and weapons variety, along with finishing the damn final boss hahahaha

Until then, Farewell guys! Thank you for everything!

(1 edit)

Pretty fun game! I lost just before finishing, then tried again and made it!

Monty Hall is always interesting!

Thanks a lot! I actually used FamiStudio to make the music and sounds, which is a program to create NES-like audio.

WOW Thank you so much!! I didn't even thought about trying that with opening doors! Definitely something to fix once the rating period is over. Hopefully no one abuses it until then.

Im very happy to know you liked it, but yes the game is difficult and its not THAT intended hahahaha, there's some balancing I must do once the rating period is over. 

There will be updates in the future, so please look forward to them!

Thanks for playing it!

I am planning on adding more choices with the keys for more diverse runs, so please look forward to it!

Thanks a lot! Glad to know you really liked it!

Holly molly!! That's very impressive given the current state of the game! (unbalanced)


Pretty cool game! I liked the graphics and atmosphere in general ;)

It was a very fun game! I tried 5 times but still didn't manage to find the exit hahaha (is it actually random? or is it always the last door?)

Nah this was an amazing game! Very cute! I love rhythm games!

It was very fun while it lasted! I assume the loby screens where meant for this being a multiplayer? (Is it actually multiplayer??)

My only complaint is that the mouse sensitivity was a little high for my liking, or maybe it was mouse acceleration, but you get me

Great game overall!

The concept seems interesting. Im pretty sure that with more polish it could be a prett fun game!

Also, good job with this being your first jam!

This might be a little early in the rating period, but still! I want to thank everybody that took their time and tried my game!

I can't express how happy I am to know so many of you played and liked this small game I made for the jam! The feedback I've received has been super helpful too! I'll definitely update the game once the rating period is over, so I hope that everybody that enjoyed it will come back once the time comes!

Again, thank you all guys, this has been such a nice experience being my 2nd jam ever, and the first one where I made everything from scratch myself.

Now keep playing and rating each other's games! Cheers!

I don't think anyone can see any game's rating score per category, just the number of ratings.

I imagine its so that people don't get dicouraged if they see their game's rating is low (or seeing someone else's being too high),  but with just the number people can think "Oh hey, at least X people played and rated my game, cool!"

  1. Games are rated in 6 categories from 1 to 5. Once the rating period is over I assume there will be winners per category and overall score winners. Though Im not really sure how it exactly works, this is just my assumption.
  2. According to this jam's rules, you can only edit game-breaking stuff, like something that makes it impossible to play the game or the sort. Once the rating period is over I think you can do whatever you want with the game.
  3. As others said, you need at least 20 rating to be able to win. Now, I don't know how the rating's overall score and quantity affects the final score.
  4. Usually, people try games of people that tried theirs and wrote feedback, its not a sure thing, but its more probable. There are also posts on the community section for people to share their games to be rated. Also, I don't think people get notified in any way if their game was rated, only when feedback/comments are written, so just rating games doesnt do much if you want their attention. All in all, If you want people to try and rate your game, interact with the community, write feedbacks, etc.

Oh wait Im sorry! I just noticed you already wrote a feedback on my game!

Don't mind me then! Keep up with those reviews!

Thanks! Glad to know you liked it!

Thanks a lot!

Im not the best at making complex animations, so I just went with simple stuff, but tried my best to make them feel smooth and responsive!

Thank you! Glad you could have fun!

And indeed, the game turned 10 times more difficult once I added the "spitter" enemy hahaha. I have to make some balance adjustments.

Im happy to know you had fun!

Tough honestly, all the weapons have the same animation hahaha.

Thank you so much!

Im still planning on adding more content like guns, upgrades, and rooms in the future, and yes the randomness of the game works in a werid way sometimes, but that'll be fixed!

There's charm in simpleness! Thanks for trying out my game! Im happy you had fun with it.

There's still a lot of balancing to do, but that'll have to wait until the rating period is over, so please look forward to future updates!

Oh I'd love some honest feedback for my game! I've got some comments already on what to add and/or adjust, but it never hurts to get more points of view.

So go ahead and don't hold back!


Indeed, it was quite a challenge to make, but Im very happy to know the effort paid of by reading all the good comments about it!

Im happy to know you liked how the game felt!

Thanks a lot!

Im very happy you had fun and that it kept you hooked for a while!

The game still needs some balancing to be done, that's a fact hahaha, but expect updates once the voting period is over!

Thanks for giving it a shot!

I kinda wanted to limit myself to a single color palette for all the game, just for fun, and I think I managed to create all the sprites using only 5 colors. In fact, I also used the same palette to create the cover art for the game.

The game indeed needs to make more checks regarding the random elements, because yes, it could make you go through 3 gun rooms in a row, or 5 upgrade rooms. I also read a lot of people complaining the forced weapon choice.

I will update the game once the voting period is over, and one of the things I'll definitely add is the option to keep the current gun for 1 key. I think that'll add more choices to the player, keep the gun and lower my health? or pick a new one?

Im very happy you had fun with the game! Expect some updates in the future!

Wow thanks a lot for the feedback!

It wasn't very easy making every single asset myself, but I think it was worth it, seeing as everybody in general has fun playing it, kinda makes me proud you know?

I am planning on updating the game once the rating/voting period is over with balancing and more content, like adding the option to keep the current gun in "gun rooms" for 1 key, readjsut weapons stats in general, and also modify the randomness of the overall game (since its pretty off sometimes).

By the machinegun feeling lower than where you were aiming at, do you mean in general the bullets were going under the pointer?

Again, thank you so much for playing my game and taking your time to write this awesome feedback!

Glad to know you liked the game feel! I spent a lot of time just playing because I felt it was nice


Im happy to know its easy to get used to and that you had fun with it!

Thanks for playing!

Screenshake is almost always a good addition! And the crosshair having the remaining ammo and contraction when you're able to shoot was fun to make. I also wanted to make a small animation for the reload on the crosshair (besides the moving line) but couldn't make it and I didn't wanted to waste more time trying.

Thanks! I really wanted to have a lot variety of weapons, upgrades and enemies. I hope that with later updates the number will grow bigger!

Here's mine, if you are up for a roguelike-ish platformer!


Amazing game! Really cute art and aesthetic!

(1 edit)

Here's my game, if you want to give it a shot!


Hahahaha thanks! The game clearly has some balancing to be done, so don't worry about it!

Wow! Thanks for playing and recording your gameplay footage!

Thanks for playing! There's a lot of balancing to be done in the future, as I've read in feedback. And don't worry for not reaching the end, I don't think even I have hahahaha, the game's pretty difficult as of now.