Really vibey game! I love the concept and the systems built up here. I think it shows a lot of potential! I also had trouble with the spell mechanics and felt like the game wasn't responding to me pressing any of the spell buttons. So that made me question if something was broken, or was I just not doing it correctly? Since there wasn't any audio or visual feedback I was left scratching my head a bit.
I really liked the writing and the sense of humor and personality in the game, but the font was a bit tough to read which made it harder to get immersed.
I played a few times and found it really difficult to win. My dracula seemed to die unexpectedly somehow even though I was very careful not to put him in any light or garlic.
Love the depth and variety of mechanics! I think another pass on audio & visual feedback/overall clarity could do wonders for this game. It as a lot of potential! Awesome art, interesting mechanics and strategy, and a unique turn-based system. Excellent work!