Ah with that loop you described, I wonder if I was always just firing the laser too soon.
That’s the tough thing with an audio theme round, and in general player onboarding: I probably mis learned what to do in the tutorial, and kept doing the wrong thing by habit. Something I try to do, even if heavy handed, is just creating direct notifications (in text) if the player is very blatantly not doing “the right thing”. Eg in my racing entry, it’s so tempting to press “w” to try and move, so it worked well imo to remind the player to press and hold space. In your case, it could be a warning if you’re trying to fire the laser before using the gear the first time, or if the third time you try the sequence, notify they need to wait longer for the pigeons to land etc. Stuff like that :) hope it helps, and to reiterate, I still loved the experience! Really hope to see you continue in round 2