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Sorry for another reply. I just want you to check out the V1.0.3 Prerelease build I've sent to you.

(3 edits) (+1)

Ok, I'll check it out soon. Also, is it fine if I make a gameplay video on the BFNS unofficial update private builds that you send to me?

(3 edits)

Yes it is. Also, in the comment section of the page where I give you these builds, please report bugs and otherwise imperfections in the game that my brother could fix. You can do it tomorrow at the latest, but preferably, you'd do it later today.

When will you make that video anyways?


hey Quick Question, we got a general Time frame in which the final version might be completed? Ive already Done everything in Expert mode, except that Clone Baldi map because Im pretty sure its impossible. I REALLY Like this game so I was just wondering if we got a timeframe.


Also wanted to ask if you could change the floorbuilder controls a little bit, mainly making it to where the Cursor Controls (The W, A, S, D)

Go with the View point, its hard to explain but basically make it to where up moves your selector Up, and not like left when facing a different direction. No Pressure, But it'd be nice, thxs!