I greatly appreciate you playing my game and your detailed feedback. It's been awesome to watch your playthrough (I must have watched it at least 4 times xd). It's been quite useful for me to see how you tried to solve the problems and how you decide to explore the map.
I have to polish certain aspects of the enemies, especially the stalkers; maybe just one or two hits to eliminate them would be fine.
About the bubble: in the early stages of development of this game, the dash speed didn't increase with energy, so it was impossible to reach certain places without the bubble. Although at the moment the big advantage is that you don't take damage while using it, sure it breaks when hit, but you can always spawn it immediately over and over again. I really believe you can be almost immortal using it this way. The same goes if you alternate between attacking and using the dash, the window in which you are vulnerable can be almost non-existent. In the next update, the bubble will protect you from spikes and fire as well (thanks to your gameplay, I realized the importance of this).
Also, I understood that I need to make clearer what happens in the interface and how energy works. Since you're not the only one who has mentioned how confusing this is.
About the doors, I'm not sure what to say; the only two places that require you to open more than one door before allowing you to progress or get an essential item are two very important areas in the game, like the final zones, and it's a bit the idea that it feels like a high-security place since it's a prison. But I think I can understand the frustration, since sometimes you have to go back from very far; for that, you can press "T" to teleport to the last save point, although I think you lose 3 or 4 energy, but you can do it even if you don't have any. Another tip is to press "R"; this will restart the room you're in and therefore also the items, but you'll lose 3 energy, you can use it when you need a few hearts, for example.
Again, I infinitely thank you for your feedback and your videos; you've helped me a lot. :)