Really cool concept, unfortunatly in pratice it have some issues, most of my deaths are from bugs.
The windows size are too small, you can easily click outside,and with the 3 secs unpaused everytimes it can be annoying, would be good if the game unpaused when you click on any window.
Sometimes you're getting blocked by invisible hitboxes when you try to go in a path, some path also can't be taken, would be good to remove path in this case.
There is a bug, when you are in a window and it desappeared the game still continue.
There is a bug, when you go outside a window to discover a new window, the new window don't appear so you can't play anymore.
Between two windows there is no collisions, you can go up and down behind the wall.
Enemies spawning on you really fast can be annoying.
Sometimes i get hit/hit animation, but i don't lose life even when i don't have the shield.
Some enemies have time to launch an attack before dying, when they're supposed to be dead.
I got a bug when dashing my character goes really fast ? desappear ? 1 times it diseappear while crossing a new path, 1 times it seems to crossed to the new windows and continue to the next path then disappear, and 1 time it do the same but my character crossed the up path at the egde of the map to appear at the bottom windows.
Overall very good potential.