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I like the art, and the boss fight and wave fight was fun. I always lose at wave fight, it say "portail destroyed" or something like that but it seems like enemies keep coming and it's too hard to hold, when I want to attack an enemy wich is attacking my crystal, and there others enemies in the attack hitbox, it will focus in priority the others enemies..
The controls are not enough responsive for platforms levels, when you only do one click with left and right key, your character doesn't move, it need some times to move at a certains distance.
I gave up doing the jump and down attack, it's to hard to hit the hitbox and then jump where you want. Hopefully I could crossed with dash and spam attack to have air time.
-When I die, the last sound play in loop (mostly happened with the boss), had to quit the game to stopped it.
Also, the level where you were dead kill you when you open the door. Also had to quit the game to fixed it.
Just finished the 3 levels.
The art looks good we feel well the vibes of the inspiration. And i like the idea of checking in the book to find the right anwsers.
It took some times to understand how it works, and i'm only supposing what letters in the bot-middle does, and i'm not sure of what "letters swap" does exaclty (was more clear in level 3, but the number change depending at the dices sometimes), I've just ignored them.
The first level i've cleared it legit, at first I was confused, cause I was still trying to understand how the things work, and i get killed with the first spirit action.. In the second run the spirit action didn't killed me and gave me letter on board, the objective was more clear and i've beat him.
Second level: I don't understand what the spirit action do, and tried to find an answer with letters on board but doesn't worked, so i've used brute force. (Trying name one by one).
Third level: By elimination there only 4 spirit left, and with letters on board there only few solutions.
I will test your game in the day.
Here's my short puzzle game :
Lot of things to improve but you got a start and you got some system workings: movement, camera, health, attack,menu, enemy following player.
The camera: Your camera works, but with the way you game works you will probably need to add a rotation on it at some point.
You should add some more animation depending of the action, like idle or attack for exemple, it's hard to know if the player is attacking or doing nothing, and add a rotation depending on where you go, the player need some feedback on his actions.
Your attack need some range, actually you can't hit without getting hit back, you have exactly the same range of the enemies, making impossible to win in a normal way, you could also add some knock back.
I killed the boss. Using secrets gamer special techniques (blocking the boss and wait for the heal to regen..), you should add a button to quit at the end.
You can walk in the void, player should fall.
Fun fact, you can walk on the boss.
I've done all ending. Good polished game with diversified endings.
I had some struggles with controls and with what is interactable AND usefull, and what is not.
Could be good to be able to skip faster interactions / dialogue etc... The game design need you to start over and over, so at some point you just want to skip the part you know to experiment others interactions and ending.
Also would be good to be able to check what are the ending you got, like clicking on the post-it show you the ending screen of it.
Well, I already try to put in order depending of color of the book, it was my first guess even before getting the first code, but it didn't work. So i've tried different variation, or idea but still didn't works.
To me we have these 4 numbers, 0 (blue), 7 (red), 5 (green), and 33 (yellow) wich could also be 27 because it looks like 3 exposant 3.
On bookshelf we have blue blue, red red yellow red, green. So it should be to me : 0 0 7 7 33 (or 27), 7 ,5.
I've also tried with 3 alone, I have even tried with taking in consideration the I i C (wich does "1") cause the paper with symbole is beetween yellow and red books.
So i'm still stuck, and i don't know why. Either i don't understand how you represent the order with books, either i don't understand the yellow number.
Well, I give up.
It's very unclear what you have to do, i've read comments and after lot of times of tryings things I finally got the first code.
The 3 first symbols on the white "paper" or "book" idk, doesn't look like symbole/are hard to read. I was like "weird texture" but that's all, plus textures bugs you already knew, doesn't help.
For the second codeI had some guesses wich would make sense, but nothing works, i'm totally out of ideas, I'm still not totally sure about the last number, if it's one or two numbers I need to put..
The artstyle looks good, and the hand character was funny.
Interesting concept.
I would like to have something telling me if I'm currently winning the auction, cause i'm not sure if my bid have been register or not.
The game finished before I had time to sell anything.
If you open the menu while an auction, the menu is hide behind the text.
After credits nothing happend, the music continue and you have to manually open the menu to leave.
The first level should be smaller, lot of rooms to check when I am not even sure of what the goal is, well the fact that getting the chalice doesn't update the "mission" doens't help.
The idea had some potential, but actually the game have too much bugs and need more polish..
There was no sounds in my first run, i've had to reload multiple time to have it, and when i had sound it got some bug (noises, looping for a short times etc..)
Pink guard and it get stuck at some point not moving, flying door/ Door open but you see them close, you can cross the texture.
The camera have some struggles.
The perception description is missing.
I've gone two time to the backrooms falling under the floor.
We can see you wanted to do a lot, and you did, but you definitly need more times to make it works.
Movement is satisfaying, visuals and audios are ok and you got your first loop.
It lack of feedbacks when you hit enemy or when you lose life. Some sound and visual would be good, In the first run you are not sure if you do any damage to enemies or you can stand on spikes and losing life without be aware of it.
Enemies can see you behind walls and they can't crossed spikes tiles, I also saw sometimes sword enemies chasing me backward.
But overall it works well.
Good the concept and the visual/audio are good. "An actual puzzle?!" level is by far my favourite.
"Annoying Hallway" and "Around the round" feel a bit to long for what you have to do. In the first one i've checked every rooms, it took times, the second one i have go without the box to explore (because i don't know what i have to do with it.), encoutered ghost one/2 times but nothing more, I saw the exit door and done all the way back to push the box all the way to the door again.
"Sorry, is this the exit room ?" I like the concept to run away the ghost, but they are very fast, also you can't really go up, so either you go middle, either down, if you go middle you will likely die (or not, in a second run to test again the level after the ghosts hitted me i was just staying still and the ghost was staying on my character not hurting me before getting away, probably a bug), if you go down the level finish really fast with nothing happening.
Sometimes i got some audio looping, and sometimes maybe the music get a bit toomuch excited while nothing happening.
Overall good game.
Ok, so, the idea itself have some potential because you can be really creative in the way to solve a puzzle, like instead of follow the path you can make fall the first plateform to aim the objective, or use cube as walls, you can create some creative puzzles and ways to solve them with this concept.
Actually you can push the ball with your body or an object like the cube, you can also push others objects, it means you can avoid solving puzzles every level.
And because of that it was not clear at first of what i'm supposed, but for the rest of the feedback i will ignore the fact you can push the ball like this..
So i've made some others run being legit this time.
The number of cubes seems a bit random, and you get more and more cube, it led in some confusion.
The very first puzzle you need to do nothing and it show you that the ball go in the yellow circle and it open the door, it's good, the second puzzle you normally are supposed to put a green cube under the wooden plank to imitate the first level situation. wich is also good, for that you need only one cube, but sometimes you get more than one, in that case you wonder why you need more.
In the third level i got a puzzle wich needed me at least 3/4 cubes, but this times there is only 2. I've still no idea how to solve it with only two. Then more puzzles I do, more cubes I got, more than necessary.
Having infinite puzzles looping is not necessary, when you've solve a puzzle one times, you already know the answer. Even the first level wich need just to start the puzzle come back several times.
Also, the puzzles order is random, so you can get at the beginning what is supposed to be "hard", like a level with timer + hammer trying to killing you and destroying everything, or you can get everytimes easy puzzles, means you can't get a game over and keep looping on easy difficulty. The hammer seems to have preset positionning, independently of the puzzle, making some puzzles seems impossible cause it destroy everything at the start.
I would like to have the shadows directly under the textures so it's easier to place cube under a platform relativly to his shadow.
The objective could have a better visual, like a halo to see it better.
Some bugs:
Cubes can be push through floor and walls, for example if you want to place a cube on another, you can accidentally push the first one under the floor. Or if you grab a cube and put it behind a wall and drop it.
The transition between level works, but you see the light change, also if you grab a cube to take it for the next level, wich is possible, it can lose his green texture to a texture with a heart on it.
You can't full screen, it keep his normal size and the rest is filled by black color.
Usually there always something you can improve, and i prefer tell people when i find something could be better for the reason you said, like personally only "Good game" can make me happy and sad at the same times, happy that people find it good, sad cause i would like to know what i could improve.
Well, good luck to beat my score, tell me when it's done I will beat it again.
You have some nice background and particles, i like the way you can chose the next level.
I feel like you should diversified more the obstacles, it's always the same whenever you go, you could change the skin or even the behavior depending of the area, or had some specificity like the ice area where you slip a bit. (you could even changed the music).
Some obstacles spawn very close at the start, and some level have all their obstacles in the air, no need to do anything.
Lot of obstacles are positioned like you could slide under, but you can't slide.
I would make the dash cooldown a little bit faster, don't need much.
I've read in the comment there is a "how to play button", found it after playing, it's the question mark icon, it's not clear enough clear that it's a "how to play" button, too sneaky too (the double jump animation in it could be improve it's the same animation than "jump".), so know that i've play without looking that page.
Some bonus doesn't match the icon you show in how to play, like "Speed up times", the arrows are looking up in game, but looking right in how to play menu.
The powerdown should have red circle and red trail, they all look like bonuses. I saw that you have some red on icon sometimes like green camera and red arrow, it's not enough, plus with differents light it doesn't really looks red, so you see a blue thing with green icon = should be power up.
The Powerdown "only one jump" and "Decrease jump height" do the same thing : they kill you anyway if there an obstacle, almost every obstacles you need to jump need double jump, plus with this amount of times it's active combine with the high scroll speed with higher score, you will probably encounter a jump you can't do.
Powers can cross stages, meaning you can cross a door and directly have a powerdown on you that you can't avoid.
Would be cool to have some visual for invulnerability power up (so i could guess myself what this power do without looking how to play).
The score: The score when crossing a door is hard to read cause it's half outside of the screen and follow the door outside the screen fast.
The score is totally random, because the score was not the same everytimes, i was expecting to have differents scores depending of the door you chose, either depending of the difficulty of the area, either the height, the one on the floor + 10, the middle + 25, the top one + 50.
Ho also, at like score 1400 the music stopped :x .
The mouse getting outside the game window, and putting full screen drop my fps make it not comfortable to play.
The audio: It fit well with what you done, it set an atmosphere, nice job for this. The visuals are ok.
Gameplay ( I know you've focus on audio don't worry): The random game-over is a problem, mainly because you can die fast, very fast you can literally die at the very first door, in few runs it happened 2 times. And actually the gameplay is to open doors waiting for the game-over screen, it's not very fun cause you don't really have control on your score.
All rooms are empty, with empty rooms and with fast random game over, it become very less scary cause you know already what will happen and less entertaining cause you know very fast whats behind the doory ou will open.. Adding sometimes suprises like sounds, items or monsters would be more fun.
When the door hand is in the right side the door open player side pushing him. I suppose you have only one animation for the door and that's why it happen depending of the side you come, but it would be better if everytime the door opened at the opposite side of the player like if he was pushing it.
Well overall, not bad for a first time in 3D.
During free times i put many candy as i can under the candy bag, not too much just in case cause the game limit the number of candy you can pull off, so i keep some to be able to also drag candy from the bag. When delivry guy come, i put letters in a side and wooden planks in another side.
Then I take the gun and open the door. When it's the kid, I drop the gun and take fast a candy to give him, usually he have times to make 2 knock max, sometimes none. When it's a monster I spam shoot, cause sometimes the first shot doesn't hit, then i drag the gun at the candy pile to reload, and get ready again for the next.
Now all i have to do is not shooting the wrong guy cause with the pile of candy i can fast reload and chain the monsters if needed, like i tried in a run for the test to kill delivry guy first time then kill as cops as i can, and I killed liked 8 cops before dying.
When i've reached 216 points I had like 10 wooden plank left and used only 2.
Also if the monster come inside to rush to me, you can close the door fast and the monster will be set back to the door, so when i need to reload, the door close itself, giving me some more times.
And in my run i didn't took my times to look who's outside cause i just wanted to rush, but you can definitly play more safe at the end to make higher score.
Finally i'm fired, I will now follow my dream to make video games.
The visual is great, and the gameplay is fun, however it could get some improvement, but it have great potential. Your attack range is too shorts, the enemies can be really close but still not touching them and the hitbox / raycast detection seems to have some bugs. You can hit a co-workers you were not aiming who was behind the one you want to attack, and sometimes is not even in front of you. Some hits are simply ignored.
I think you should spawn co-workers from the black textures, because actually they can spawn on you, plus you can go behind them when they spawn and they will do nothing, you can even use them as human shield. Sometimes co-workers teleport or get one shot and just deseppear.
Also they seems to spawn depending of your position, if you're too far they don't spawn and don't react., When i am in the middle i can have a horde of co-worker, when i'm near the doors nobody spawn.
It would be fun to be able to hit many enemy at the same times !
Footstep sound for co-workers would be cool, sometimes you're getting hit but you don't know why because a co-workers is on your back.
Audio can be improve, with a good music for example, not a huge fan of the background noises.
Minor issue: The game tells me like "6 co-workers to-go" but there is more like 6, it means you can leav when there still co-workers, but the note say that you wiped out everyone, lies ! Also they will wait forward the door since they can't change room.
It's a good game, with some more polish and debug it would be even more satisfying !
My private bodyguards:
It was fun and seems quite polished you got some good puzzles here.
At level 3 when you crouch, your character is clearly under the wall, I didn't saw the slide popup so i was confuse.
Also if you crouch near the wall you sligthly go under the wall even if your not moving, so you can "cheese" the level without sliding. I feel like there no need to slide, you could just make people crouch in this case.
Could be good to have a way to check for controls, like I missed the slide and drop popup at first, so i struggled to find how to do these actions.
The concept of being able to switch between doors you hit is can be great material for level design, but i think you should be able to exorcised door with the projectile.
Unfortunately I'm not able to finish the first level, it seems not possible to reach the door inside the tower, sorry if there was more..
Some hitbox issues, you have invisible hitbox, it's not easy to know what block you, and you can get outside of the map falling in the void.
Nice gameplay and enemies design, my favourite is the "What" wich separated itself into 4 letters..
I would like to be able to keep shooting if i hold shoot button and i think the upgrades prices and loots should not inscrease that much.
1 bug: Health upgrade make me lose all my "?" points then it set my money as a random (?) negative number.
minor bug: I'm an AZERTY player (azerty controls works), so when it ask me to use "q" to continue it's actually "a" for me.
Really cool concept, unfortunatly in pratice it have some issues, most of my deaths are from bugs.
The windows size are too small, you can easily click outside,and with the 3 secs unpaused everytimes it can be annoying, would be good if the game unpaused when you click on any window.
Sometimes you're getting blocked by invisible hitboxes when you try to go in a path, some path also can't be taken, would be good to remove path in this case.
There is a bug, when you are in a window and it desappeared the game still continue.
There is a bug, when you go outside a window to discover a new window, the new window don't appear so you can't play anymore.
Between two windows there is no collisions, you can go up and down behind the wall.
Enemies spawning on you really fast can be annoying.
Sometimes i get hit/hit animation, but i don't lose life even when i don't have the shield.
Some enemies have time to launch an attack before dying, when they're supposed to be dead.
I got a bug when dashing my character goes really fast ? desappear ? 1 times it diseappear while crossing a new path, 1 times it seems to crossed to the new windows and continue to the next path then disappear, and 1 time it do the same but my character crossed the up path at the egde of the map to appear at the bottom windows.
Overall very good potential.
Interesting mechanism with the key. I liked the puzzle part.. The level design could be improve, it's hard and too fast, you should begin very simple and increase difficulty step by step. Using air control to avoid and go on the platform on top of you is not an easy jump or jumping and use "down" key to get the key in the air (would be easier if you just have to touch the key to collect it), also the pike hitbox is smaller than the visuel. I've reach the first bonus level and surrend there.