Wow, This is amazing! Got a lot to say here :D
First of all, love the artwork. The hand drawn style looks impressive. I think the old wild west ambience was well achieved! The music is really good too. I really like you added one track for fights and another one for walking around.
The gameplay itself was incredible. I had a lot of fun rolling around and shooting non stop. Really felt like an epic gunslinger lmao. The attention to detail is amazing too. I like how enemies change color when reloading. The destructive environment is just really the cherry on top, it fits so well the theme of destroying everything around you, using furniture for cover until it gets blown away by the barrage of bullets. There are different enemies, and even bosses, which in a week long development is super cool. I like how shotguns take longer to load but are a little bit more deadly. And then the bosses have their own special weapons and animations, the sheriff with the dual pistols that he throws away and the lady with the machine gun (lmao).
It's also cool how you added a choice to either fight or not for more money.
I really had a lot of fun with this!
Some things I would like to note:
- Sometimes the bullets pass through walls I believe
- The fact that your health heals completely after each fight makes it a little bit too easy. The decision of either fighting or just asking for the money was dumbed down because I was always on top shape! If at some point you were low on health then it would make sense, as you would have to weigh down fighting for more profit or taking a lesser amount. Maybe just healing a bit could work. Or you could have different difficulty systems, having easy as it is now, hard without regen, and even one hit kill lmao. Would be a fun challenge!
- I paid the sheriff first and ended up with -100 money which is fun
One of the best so far!