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A member registered Jan 25, 2021 · View creator page →

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First of all I really liked the visuals (cutscene and all) I did like the story too. The voicelines were really nice. I loved the different voices you made. It clearly shows how much effort you put into the game.

On the other hand I felt like the shooting had no real feedback. It felt a bit unresponsive and I didnt know if I hit or missed at all. A lader beam, Hit marker or something like that would be great.

Overall a very solid game. Good job!

The main character might be the cutest thing I saw in a long time. The art looks great overall. The level design was a bit confusing from time to time and the music looped a bit too fast. Other then that a fun and cute game.

Overall a solid game. The controlls were a bit rough though. I think that the main character looked nice.

All in all the game was fun and looked nice. I see a lot of potential but it is a bit rough around the edges. Still a good game. Good job.

The programming behind this one is impressive. The amount of different minigames. Well done on that. The audio and visuals were more on the minimalist side, but I do respect the effort. Great job!

A super interesting take on the theme. I really loved the visuals the art style was neat. I feel like a few puzzles or something like that would've made the game feel more engaging. Still very solid!

Super fun game. I also really liked the visuals. It was super fun grinding more doors. The only thing I found a bit frustrating is how the screen shake got out of control when shooting the unlockable weapon for to long. Another form of cooldown might've felt a bit better. This is just a little nitpick. Overall super solid entry.

Wow the music and artsylie in this one! It looks and sounds amazing. I think it is a really creative idea too. I sadly was not able to beat it and it got a bit frustrating after a few tries (which is a skill issue on my part tho). But I loved everything of the game I was able to see.

The visuals are really impressive. the souls look nice too  and the lighting is well done too. I was a bit confused too but the take on the theme was nice. It was a bit hard too since the enemy instantly killed you

First thing I have to say is that the visuals are charming. The slimes looked super cute and I really like your take on the theme. It's a nice twist that you are the one to stop people from finding out. I do have to agree with what others said about the mouse controlls. Other then that a super promising title. Good work :)

First of all I really liked the music and sound design. It helped the game feel alot! The art was cute too and I liked how the movement felt and the luck involved to be able to win. On the other hand I think the theme could've been implemented a bit stronger and it was quite easy to get stuck. All in all still a very good entry!

Nice little parcour game! I like the wallride and the dash ability, well done!

Solid game. The atmosphere is really spooky and I like the character too. Very well done!

Very nice looking game! I love the effects and animations.  I actually like the fireball book too. Very well done!

Cool concept. The art is cute. I really like the initial concept aswell. Good job!

Very cool puzzle game! Love the concept and the atmosphere. I also really liked the different controlls (for the levers for example9. Really well made, good job!

First of all wow. This blew us away and made our night. Thank you so much for your kind words. The artist is really happy you noticed the little details. And I, the coding guy, am also very happy. Thank you so much for playing our game and for your feedback it is appreciated.

We really love the idea of adding different difficulties. The one hit mode sounds brutal in the bank :D

Amazing idea! The music and visuals are really well done and i like the puzzles! Especially the door menue choice was nice, remined me of an advent calendar XD Well done!

Very interesting concept! Loved the different rooms. I tried to speed run it to get to the leaderboard but imjust too bad at parcours... Nevertheless very fun game and cool idea! Great work!

Very interesting game! Got that eerie vibe to it. I love the artstyle too. Good job!

Very funny game! Good job on that XD

Nice concept! I love thosse kinds of games (scrabble and stuff) so I had my fun time polaying your game XD Well done!

Very cute artstyle! I love the music choice too. The dialoges were hilarious! Great work!

Amazing look game! The tiles are very polished and the whole map felt very atmospheric due to the light. VEry well done!

Very fun game and one of the best submissions! I really had fun playing the game and forgot I was playing a jam game throughout XD Very polished, I love the looks and feel of the game. The music was mesmerizing and so was just the whole thing around it like particles and stuff. Very well done! i also loved the upgrades and the rooms getting a bit smaller over time, very well done!

Very nice game! I love the visuals and the music is quite funky. The little story bits also added a  lot of depth to the game. great work!

Very well made game. The game concept is really unique and fun! The game also sounds and looks amazing. With the UI and added juice the game is overall really well made! Im impressed, very good job!

Fun minigame! Its a good choice of assets and music, makes it all work together really well. Good joB!

Fun submission for the jam. I love the concept and the art/sound is very cute. Good job!

Very cute game! It feels very nice due to the little animations and audio sounds. very cute designed too! Great job!

amazing platform/puzzle game! I love the idea for the theme. Its very clever and the puzzles are fun to solve. Even with the simple art/ music the game feels very nice due to the other effects. One of the best puzzle platformers ive played so far! Great job!

Amazing puzzle game! The visuals and audio are amazing and fitting and the puzzles are neither too hard nor to rasy. Especially since you can restart if you get stuck. The game feels very well polished and done overall, good job!

Adorable game! I love the art of all the different animals! The game idea is also fitting to the theme and very cute. Great job overall, well done!

nice little horro game, I even got spooked in the beginning XD very good atmosphere and sound! well done.

Very cute game! Love the little knight and the music. Its quite difficult but im maybe just bad at platformers (skill issue). Nevertheless very fun game, good job!

Very cute Voxel art! love the theme. Good job :)

very nice atmosphere all together! having 3 wendings is also really cool. Good job!

Amazing game! It looks waaay too good, the characters, the audience, the UI - everything! Well done on that folks! The sound design is amazing too. Really great job guys!

I laughed when I collected the first room. This idea is so cool. I also didn't expect what was behind the door (wont spoil)  The rooms felt a bit empty tho and I think a bit of sound would have helped the game a bit. The lighting was really stunning to be honest. I am impressed with it.

Nice little platformer! i love the art and the audio is really eerie and immersive. Great job!