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Feels like I accidentally switched the channel to some kind of gameshow where the host is getting pranked out of his mind. The premise is funny, the voice acting is great, the gameplay is fun, and the theme is well used! My only gripe is that you have to use the mouse to click and go to the next level, I would get it if the door section also used the mouse but I just go straight back to keyboard for that section anyway, it's really a small nitpick. Great entry!


Haha, I like your description of the host getting pranked out of his mind. Haha, I totally hear you about the mouse/next level issue.  I needed a little bit more time to make that work. I originally wanted it to be a key press, but the way I had things set up, everytime you pressed the key to fire the bee smoker, you skipped to the next level. It was chaos. I just turned that off. In future updates, I'll figure out the keypress thing on the next level. Thanks for checking out my game, so happy you liked it!

I'm glad you liked my game! If you are interested in check out how I made it, I just spent a couple weeks putting together this dev log video: