A lot of time has passed indeed, and your doubts are understandable. The new movement/behavior pattern system intended to replace to current version is still in development. Beyond updating the Nymph Queen, this module is intended to be the final formula, that's flexible and streamlined enough to work with in long terms, similar to how other games and teams have a core logic for handling different features, like combat and enemy behavior. Besides, the current released version of this system that controls both movement pattern logic and facial/vocal reactions is still too limited in terms of handling numerous reaction types and weaving them together to have a satisfying level of organic feel, which would be the major goal to get rid of the robotic shifts and repetition and its limitations/complicated editing surface. One of the most important aspects of this project (and our global mindset) is to improve immersion in the actor's behavior and we want to make this a full circle now, that requires no further inventions just depth in detail in the future.
The logic of the new system is laid out, but implementing it is time-consuming with dead ends from time to time, and with us getting overambitious at some points. This task is in highlight now. Many things in code are rebuilt (rebuilding) from ground up again to keep the strong and replace the weak parts of the app. We were expecting much faster progress but like always being said, future is always in flux, and unfortunately we are bound to attend to other duties as well. There is no intention of cancellation at all, we just simply want to bring our best effort to reach the intended definitive quality of this project (especially after such a long wait from you all). Also it would be difficult to cut out an actual update release from this mass now because many things in code are interconnected.
Your interest is honestly appreciated, we love this project at least as you do, and we hate to disappoint you. We cherish this project with all its artistic and technical aspects as a gateway and foundation of many new possibilities in the genre on other platforms as well, for there are concepts and half-done solutions for larger PC projects as well which we would love to pick one of to work with finally.
Along with this code network, the optimization and visual aspects are improving too, hopefully satisfying you when the update is public.
It would be bold or unfortunate to tell a date in these circumstances, but we are nearly at the finish to make a nice solid piece of work, but a strict deadline can't be promised in this situation. That's what can be said.
As always, Thank you all for your interest, appreciation and support.
Work is in progress with hard efforts, hopefully it won't take much longer.
Take care