So Don, if we were to do a size chart right now. In terms of pure muscle mass among the main cast, would this ranking be fair? What is your canon ranking at moment more or less? I'm doing this just based on the AI models I see. I keep forgetting if Stella is bigger than Gina atm or if Akari is bigger than Stella etc.
So in terms of total muscle mass I would say:
1) Tanya
2) Greg
3) Stella
4) Akari tied with Jonathan
6) Gina tied with Enzi tied with Jade after Jade takes 2 pills
7) Base Jade after pills wear off (possibly tied with Enzi here?)
8) Xici
9) Aline
11) Mike tied with Philip (AKA dollar store Tuxedo Mask)
What would you say is the correct ranking atm? Hard for me to gauge jade's new size as it's a bit difficult for me to figure out how tall she is before she takes her pills vs after.