You have some nice background and particles, i like the way you can chose the next level.
I feel like you should diversified more the obstacles, it's always the same whenever you go, you could change the skin or even the behavior depending of the area, or had some specificity like the ice area where you slip a bit. (you could even changed the music).
Some obstacles spawn very close at the start, and some level have all their obstacles in the air, no need to do anything.
Lot of obstacles are positioned like you could slide under, but you can't slide.
I would make the dash cooldown a little bit faster, don't need much.
I've read in the comment there is a "how to play button", found it after playing, it's the question mark icon, it's not clear enough clear that it's a "how to play" button, too sneaky too (the double jump animation in it could be improve it's the same animation than "jump".), so know that i've play without looking that page.
Some bonus doesn't match the icon you show in how to play, like "Speed up times", the arrows are looking up in game, but looking right in how to play menu.
The powerdown should have red circle and red trail, they all look like bonuses. I saw that you have some red on icon sometimes like green camera and red arrow, it's not enough, plus with differents light it doesn't really looks red, so you see a blue thing with green icon = should be power up.
The Powerdown "only one jump" and "Decrease jump height" do the same thing : they kill you anyway if there an obstacle, almost every obstacles you need to jump need double jump, plus with this amount of times it's active combine with the high scroll speed with higher score, you will probably encounter a jump you can't do.
Powers can cross stages, meaning you can cross a door and directly have a powerdown on you that you can't avoid.
Would be cool to have some visual for invulnerability power up (so i could guess myself what this power do without looking how to play).
The score: The score when crossing a door is hard to read cause it's half outside of the screen and follow the door outside the screen fast.
The score is totally random, because the score was not the same everytimes, i was expecting to have differents scores depending of the door you chose, either depending of the difficulty of the area, either the height, the one on the floor + 10, the middle + 25, the top one + 50.
Ho also, at like score 1400 the music stopped :x .