Thank you very much for your input! I'm glad you made it as far as the Amusement Park! That's as far as I got in programming the game so far. I'm so happy you were able to follow the hints and even find the jar of toxic ooze at the dump and the hidden catnip in the cave! I tried to copy Shining Force II and Phantasy Star III for the battle menu GUI. Yes, currently running from battle is always a success. I will fix that as well as the enemy HP levels. They are still a little high in my opinion. I find myself constantly working on the enemy encounter rate and I agree that it is very high still. I will fix that. When you are by Shiro the cat the game does slow down a bit. QB64 is still not fast enough to handle all of the calculations, even though it is faster than old QBASIC, which came out in the 1980's. I plan on adding a new enemy, the Rowdy Roach(with cool sounds effects), to the game soon, as well as a Baseball Stadium to the Amusement Park and have Nakamura get attacked by fly balls called the Brawl Ball. I recently got some input on enemy designs from a user named DarkBloodbane to make the game more similar to the game Earthbound, so I have a lot more material to work with now. I hope to see you around in a later update and will play the latest version of your Phantasy Star III remake!