Hi Neils, I just got the chance to try the newest version of your game! I haven't played it since version 46... but here are some of my thoughts about the game as it is currently:
- Love the additions to the map designs, feels more like a lived-in town.
- New battle-menu is great!
- Enemy encounter rate seems really, really high.
- When loading into town, often I immediately am in a fight with a funky dog.
- At the toxic waste dump, I get into fight just about every step.
- At the circus, I often don't have time to move before gtetting attacked by another Creepy Clown.
- Awesome space scene for traveling to planet Xardiak.
- Nakamura moves very slowly when in the area of Xardiak where Shiro is found.
- It seems that running from battle is always a success.
- Creepy Clown design and battle music are cool.