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A member registered Oct 24, 2023 · View creator page →

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Skater Punk

Skater Punk is a cool demo I made that shows off a skateboarder moving in all eight directions very quickly. SK8 OR DIE!

Awesome game with a lot of promise! Very hardcore! Please make the text larger and possibly red so I can read it better!

Small Wonders is a simple yet fun game in which you control a penguin who collects fish in Antarctica. You are a blue penguin named Blue and you collect fish to give to the pink penguin, Pinky, before the walrus captures her. Small Wonders

Small Wonders

I downloaded FEAR again and gave it a second try. I noticed that you fixed the mouse sensitivity, which is good. Also, you removed all of the fog from the exterior of the mall. I also did not notice the phone call from the phone booth outside of the mall this time around. Finding the key to the mall was easier and I was able to go inside. I checked the movie theater but I was unable to find anything to play in the video player. I also checked the children's soft play place and made it through the maze to the place closed off with glass. Inside, there was a maze and I got attacked by these robot monsters twice. That's the farthest I got this time around. Is there any way to attack the robot monsters? It seems as though they appear out of nowhere and kill the player! 

Our Haunted Restaurant

OK, so I downloaded your game and gave it a second try. I had a lot of fun playing! This time around I was able to get to the ending and see the jump scare, which scared me at first. ^_^ I was able to make it past the level that was originally glitchy. I also decoded the binary messages: "HE IS HERE" in the game and "HE KILLED ALL OF THEM YOU ARE NEXT" from the game's site. For a game so fun, you really should expand upon the story. However, leaving secret messages is pretty cool too. I reminds me of this game for NES called "StarTropics" in which a secret message was left on a piece of paper that you need to add water to. Cool idea!

I played the game and eventually got to a stage where the game appeared to be unfinished. The only horror element I noticed was the screen effect where the background became grainy and had hues of red and blue. This effect was very interesting! It was a decent platformer with good hit detection! It would be good if there were different songs in the game as well as elements of horror. Also, there were small signs indicating some sort of story, but I did not really follow what they were getting at. 

I am happy to say that I completed the game! The first jumping scene with the balls of fire was very difficult! I kept getting hit by the small fires and their cheap moving pattern. The second jumping game reminded me of something out of Castlevania II: Simon's Quest for the NES with the hands emerging from the ground. I didn't understand the ending very well, but I liked the scenes in the apartment! It would be great if players could explore the apartment more. Cool game with a cool atmosphere!

(1 edit)

Hello! I was only able to collect seven sun fragments, but I had fun while playing. I like how the less life you have the more mutilated the player looks. The flies that attacked me made a loud noise that scared me at first. ^_^ When I traveled too far away from the campsite, I became lost in an endless ocean of green grass. At first I did not know you could aim your fire with the mouse when attacking. It would be great if the story, with an explanation of the campsite,  was shown in the actual game. You did a good job making a short, fun game. I think that with more time, you could do even better!   

Is this a VR game because I was unable to get it running on my computer.

I was not able to download the game because Google Drive says that I need access to download the files. 

Hi! I tried your demo of Ghost Raid but I did not get far. I noticed that there is a counter at the top of the screen that counts down from 15 seconds, and in the top left corner of the screen, different tasks to perform are displayed each time you restart. I rolled the ball into different rooms, but the counter usually ends before I can interact with any objects. Is this an incomplete demo? If so, please keep working on it. It looks interesting! I like how you can hear the flowing water and that it gets louder when you get closer to it. Is there something I am doing wrong? If so, please give me some hints!

(2 edits)

The kitchen is in the top left square of the restaurant. There is a small, silver refrigerator there to show you that it is a kitchen. You need the chopsticks to mix your ingredients in the kitchen to make a weapon in order to be able to attack monsters in battle. There is also an item that can heal you that can be produced in the kitchen. For hints, LOOK at the different tables at different times of the day to see what the customers have to say.  Also, try to READ items you have taken and look for clues. I would recommend checking the Buddha statue first and then heading to Table #10. ^_^

Thank you for giving the game a try! How far did you get in the game? Yes, you’re right! You need to take items and then mix them in the kitchen in order to be able to attack the monsters. Do you need some hints?

Hi! I played your game and defeated all eight aliens in the maze. It would be great if the aliens fought back, making the game more difficult. Also, your gun has unlimited ammo, which makes the game too easy. I can see that you were trying to make another game in the Aliens vs. Predator series of games, which was a good idea. However, it would be great if you could come up with an entirely new set of characters and story for your game. The "You Win" screen didn't really fit in with the rest of the game. I don't play too many first-person shooters, but I can tell that you got the overall idea right! It would be cool if you had the story on your game's page in the actual game and had different weapons and ammunition, all with different names. Also, in the game you can jump using the Spacebar, but there are no hazards in the game to jump over. It would be nice if the environment was a little more rugged with these hazards. Maybe you could make an outdoor stage that takes place on a planet's surface? Either way, if this was your attempt to make a first-person shooter, you did a decent job and with more work it could be even better!

This game was very immersive. It uses direct quotes from Christian prayers, making it even scarier! It also gave the player more choices than some other digital novels that I have played. I played it through but I think I got the bad ending. The color choice of just black, white, and gray makes it look creepy! Thank you for making this creepy game! 

I liked the graphics and the use of lighting to cause fear in the player. The game was short and left me wanting more. I was not sure if I messed up in the game when I got the keys and the monster attacked me so I played the game twice. It would be cool if the batteries were used for something, like powering the bunny toy, which could be electronic, or a flashlight. It would be nice to see more of the game, so please keep working on it!

I loved playing your game! This is my first yandere game! I didn't even know what a yandere was before I played the game. It would be good if you could add more selections on the screen for the user to choose from. It reminds me of a dream game I have in the back of my head, which is a digital novel that takes place at a restaurant. In the game, the player would choose what foods they want to eat and the game would use graphics similar to the ones in your game. I liked how the entire time you saw the girl(Mai Linh) with the bag over her head and also didn't even know what the protagonist looks like until the end. That was a MAJOR twist! The whole game appears similar to the movie, "Misery" by Stephen King. Did you get some ideas from this? 

I enjoyed playing your game! I completed it and found the final room. I like the entire idea. Are you supposed to be playing as a Care Bear? Did you do this for the game jam challenging of punishing an iconic children's television character? I have a question. What is the point of holding onto the children? Do you need to protect them from the goo monsters? Do you need them to access new areas? Why can you give the chocolate to them? They never whine or complain, so I don't know why. The music is nice and gives the game a surreal atmosphere!


Thank you for playing the game and thanks for the feedback! Were you using the numerical pad on the bottom right side of the keyboard? The controls aren’t so bad if you use it. Also, how far did you get in the game?

I had fun playing your game. The controls were simple and as soon as I learned what I was supposed to do I was smooth sailing for a long time. So there are three speeds and your vehicle must be moving at the coinciding one when passing through the corresponding speed signs. When you see a ghost, you pull the lever. It sounds like a simple premise but I feel as though it could be elaborated upon. Have you ever seen the show called Star Wars: Star Tours? In it, the navigator of the vessel takes you on a wild ride with many twists and turns and things going wrong during the trip. Perhaps you could expand upon the story and have the navigator mess up from time to time to make it more scary. You could have scary encounters like zombies passing by here and there. Cool, fun, neat, little game!  

OK! I made some critical bug fixes. I modified the game so that the chopstick mixing part is not so ambiguous. The player is told that they have nothing to mix ingredients with if they do not have the chopsticks. Also, I made it so that the chopstick mixing part is not skipped completely if the player presses the Enter key too many times. ^_^ 

OK! Be careful not to press enter too many times in the kitchen because you might skip past the chopstick mixing prompt! ^_^

Thank you very much for playing my game! Here is an extremely important hint: you must have the chopsticks in order to mix ingredients in the kitchen. A prompt will come up asking if you want to mix with them. You get them at Table #10. I knew this was going to happen! :( You need to LOOK at the different tables in the restaurant at different times of the day to get hints from customers. If it’s at all possible, would you be able to try one more time knowing this and let me know how it goes? It would be much appreciated!

Hi! I really enjoyed your game. The intro was extremely creepy. I played the game for about two hours and realized I was stuck with nowhere else to go and nothing to do in the game. I tried everything to no use. I caught all of the fish and documents in the ocean and gave pretty much every item I had to whoever desired it. I was really stumped as to what to do next. That's OK. I also really liked the music and the overall idea was really cool!

Hi! I tried, your game. Does the game have no sound because I couldn't hear any. There's nothing wrong with that. I just couldn't hear any. I made it as far as the outskirts of the mall. It took me a while to find the key because I did not know how to turn on the flashlight. After I found the key it took me a while to pick it up because I tried clicking it and clicking it but nothing would happen. After I finally picked it up, I used it in the door to the mall and the door opened. However, I was unable to enter the mall. I tried moving towards the door and clicking on the open door to no avail. What am I doing wrong? Your game has a nice, creepy, and very dark atmosphere. It has good ideas, but the controls appear to need a little work. The mouse movement is way too sensitive. When I strafe left and right, it should just move a little instead of as much as it does. I feel as though the way the camera moves needs a little work as well. When told to follow the fallen signs to find the key, it's a little ambiguous. Either way, I like the ideas and the environment!  

Hello! I played your game. It's a fun little platformer with good hit detection! I was surprised! You should be proud of yourself. I've played other platformers without such good hit detection. I like the nature sounds in the background and the cartoony, bright, vibrant stages. I have a question. On the stage where the balloons come out of the cauldron, it looks like they make you fly. However, they always seem to move me back down to the floor again. Can you shoot using the "z" button? I tried, but Goku only moves his stick. He does not fire anything. Either way, I had a lot of fun playing the game! ^_^ You should make a title screen with a small story and make more, original music and sound effects. 

Hello! I played Nadeshiko's Dollhouse to the end and got one of the endings! I like how the younger sister, Emi, disobeys Nick and plays with Nadeshiko. I also like how your game depicts a family living in their home and you must analyze your surroundings to learn more about them. However, you play as the doll making mischief and changing the course of what happens next. I noticed that some of the text that is surrounded by a dark-colored border moves a little too fast for the player to read. I also noticed some small spelling mistakes, which is OK. In one scene in the attic, Nadeshiko refers to the picture frame as being broken on the floor, but I do not remember it breaking or falling down. Also, when you break the Buddha statue it would be great if the graphics on the screen would change to depict it as broken. Some of the ideas in your game remind me a little bit of my game, Our Haunted Restaurant, which takes place in China. Overall, I had a lot of fun playing the game and I like the graphic user interface very much. It would be great if the game was a little more scary or had some more humor associated with the family's interactions with the doll. I wish you the best of luck in the jam!   

Thank you! What kept you from getting far? Do you need some hints?

Thank you!

MAH BEATS! OH NO, MAH BEATS! ^_^ I like your game's idea and atmosphere very much! I downloaded your game and played up to the third level. At first I did not know that you could double jump or even triple jump. I like the music and the fact that you used many different sound samples in the game. When you encounter the cyclops, it tells you to stomp her, but I don't know how to stop. I tried jumping on it but this did not work. The hit detection is good, but I felt as though it was a little off when hitting the spikes. Maybe I just didn't play well. Anyway, I think it's a really cool concept and wish you luck on further updates!

Our Haunted Restaurant

Hi, Charley! I thoroughly enjoyed the Panic Horror Jam! I enjoyed working together with my friend and teammate, Mark to produce as scary and entertaining a game as possible in the allotted time. This is not the first time we've worked together in a competition. I mostly enjoyed the fact that I got to produce a horror game similar to one of my favorite games; "Uninvited" on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I learned a lot about making graphics and animations from working on the game and was able to really hone my skills in the QB64 programming language! It was a test for me to see what I could get away with. Working on the game gives me the incentive to take part in more game jams in the future and work on more, diverse games.  

(3 edits)

Hello! I am proud to announce that my 8-bit survival horror game, "Our Haunted Restaurant," is now complete. The game was designed in QB64 and features original music by Mark M. The game will be featured in the Panic Horror game jam. Judging starts in a little over two days. You can download it at:

Our Haunted Restaurant by Neils4 (

Our Haunted Restaurant

Thank you! I can’t wait to see your 3D models! ^_^ Be prepared for a killer original horror-style soundtrack!

Hello! The game will be a text-based adventure with RPG-style battles. You move your character on the world map, which looks like a chess board. You can analyze your surroundings, use, and read items in your inventory. You can also read them if there is text on them. If you encounter a monster, then you battle. 

(1 edit)

Our Haunted Restaurant
My survival horror game is called, “Our Haunted Restaurant.”  In the game you are the protagonist working at a haunted restaurant in China. You must use anything you can find to survive and fight against the evil force plaguing the restaurant and nearby areas. It’s an 8-bit game made in QB64. It’s a combination of RPG, survival horror, and text adventure.