I've noticed that that there were some patterns during the jam that I decided to mark with these little awards just for fun. They're not meant to be taken very seriously.
Also initially these were supposed to be part of the review I left in the rating system, but did not like that at all.
Also I said I will add these little awards to April showers when I drop the review, but I forgor 💀 After much delay, here they are!
Cute coffee date 🐺☕️❤️ - With the caveat that here we arrange the date while having coffee.
Strong art direction🎨 - I really like how warm everything felt, a lot of choices when it comes to visuals made the game feel so cozy and warm.
Supporting cast MVPs 👥 - Several games made the dragon and the manatee characters be nice and supportive to the main character, and April showers did it in such a sweet, tender way.
We hardly knew ya 🏃 - For entries where the wolf character felt out of focus, underdeveloped, didn't get much screen time, or got outshone by other characters.