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(3 edits) (+1)

Hope you had a good day!

Brill's ability to pass through "Final" Boss floor's right archway is back...

Dragon Statue should be activatable now? Annnd I'm softlocked in this final screen / map unless I reload. Quite sure I overwrote my game files with the latest patch...

Well, just gotta try to find my way back to the painting hallway.


Not sure why, but when the top Green Flame turns around, it flickers.

The Floating Boss shouldn't exist anymore? ... But I guess most of this stuff is just because you haven't set up all the post-"Final" boss states.

Wellspring cutscene weirdness. ditto.

Got me the Alicorn Guard bestiary entry! I'm out to check if I've got all of them. Champion says 288, so it seems I've got'em all!


All right, I should have the fixes for all of those issues down. (The archways in that particular map have been a mess for some reason!) I'll go ahead and upload the patched version now.

Thank you for all the help!


You're welcome!

Umm... The Lock Lights for the Left Door at the top floor of the Currently Final Dungeon are all red, but the door is unlocked, aren't unlocked locks supposed to be grey?

But I can leave the top floor now!

(1 edit) (+1)

Currently, the lights aren't so much "lights" as "decorations"- I haven't quite implemented any conditional  doodads yet. That's one thing I decided to put on the backburner due to the already-delayed development cycle, as they still do indicate that there's four of something.



Now just poking around the edges and stuff. Does the Lucky Blend's effect on Sample only happen in Evrandel or something? I got the Lucky status and am Sampling in the Prison, but I've sampled at least 5 times and nothing lucky has happened.


The Lucky Blend's bonus Sample effect should have a 1  in 10 shot at occurring.

(3 edits) (+1)

Took a long while, but it happened, so that's good!

Woo! Finally found Levinite by Sampling! Now to grab tons! Slowly!