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Can someone please tell me why the MC helps these women? I don't see any reason why he should want to do anything for any of them, except that he is a mindless automaton.

I was more interested in watching the sCoin miner screen than I was in interacting with any of the women, because none of them care about MC, they only care about themselves. Even those characters that are supposed to love him and be his friends, don't care about MC, only how MC will improve their life. They give no consideration to how they might help him.

Rosetta is one of the characters that really makes you feel like a rotten dogshit for having the audacity to do her bidding as you were ordered, giving you a glare that says she wants to torture you to death in the most gruesome ways possible as a reward.

Teresa looks at you as if you're such a moron you're going to fall down and break your neck sitting still on a stool when spending time with her, while humiliating MC, so really great motivation to do anything for her.

And how does a 12-year old girl in pajamas put MC, a character that just kicked an adult woman 150 feet away, into a coma with a gentle tap on his back? And WHY?!?!

As far as I can tell: To cover up the plothole of why MC isn't allowed to make a choice of which club he wants to join, and to make sure he got humiliated in front of the entire school. Sure, the text in the game explains it as a test, but why did that test have to happen in front of the school, and only leave the humiliating aftermath for every student and teacher to see? Why couldn't that test have been done in the gym, or in an alleyway, or forest clearing when MC was alone? Why did MC need to be humiliated in front of every one he's going to go to school with, on his first day of school?

The amount of grinding you have to do in this game, and how  high levels you have to have with the women  to obtain anything that starts to resemble sex, is also a HUGE turn-off, especially combined with the narcissistic characters of the women that either hand all the work over to MC, humiliate you for some imagined slight your presence has caused her, or just for being as stupid and unaware as the MC is portrayed.

I understand there is much more content than what I have seen in my playthrough so far, but I am sincerely asking someone to tell me a reason, from the game, why the MC should even care to help these women, beyond it being school curriculum/plot armor, and the sex-scenes, because in the first eight hours of playing this game, I couldn't find a single reason, either implicitly or explicitly stated. We are told why MC is at the school; special abilities, but none of the characters give MC any reason to want to help them or spend time with them, because none of them treat MC as a person, just a slave to do their work for them, buy things for them, be their therapist, their plaything.

Even when levelling up characters, which takes a lot of grinding, and usually means you have to wait several days, or a week, after obtaining the XP, to actually access the level-up event, the characters show no gratitude, they don't get any friendlier with MC, they just get more and more and more demanding.


Hey, I have been trying to figure out a way to dm you, but couldn't I love your reviews and it's definitely introduced me to multiple new games. However, I do have two game recommendations for you. One of them is still being made the other is finished, and both of them are by the same person. In my personal opinion these stories are good enough to be games on their own never mind the scenes. The two games are called Eternium and Once in a Lifetime. I don't know if you have played them or not, but I definitely want your honest opinion on the games.  Eternium isn't finished yet and comes after Once in a Lifetime, and as of right now it leaves you on a cliffhanger. The creator is about 92% of the way through making the update. Anyways if you read this, thanks for sticking through my long winded comment.


Thank you. Glad to see my efforts have helped someone. I looked at those games in my Recommended collection, and saw I hadn't written much in the text. I'm not certain you can see the text, but if you can, I added a bit more to both of them.

In short, both games are great games that I was lucky enough to find early on (OIALT), or see through early development (Eternum) when I first found out about AVNs.

I have to agree with a lot of that. SoL:C is not a bad game (I do enjoy playing it), but it does have a number of weak spots. The cardboard characters are one, but overall, what more do you need in a simple hentai game? You are simply meant to be the white knight, and everything else flows from that. I can live with it. The part that bugs me though is that no attempt is ever made to integrate the harem aspect into the storyline. He just loves them all and they all love him, and it's jarring to see him express his undying devotion to one girl, only to do the same with another in the next scene (the only worse one I've seen in that respect is Lewd Town Adventures). I'm not a big fan of the overdone isekai/chosen one aspect either, but whatever.

As for gameplay, it suffers most severely from sametimeitis, the worst I've seen in any of the dozen I've played so far (A House in the Rift comes in second, though it is a superior game in almost every other aspect). Almost all of the important interactions happen only at noon, and often only on specific days. And automatic events tend to hit simultaneously, preempting your planned activities and forcing you to grind for a-whole-nother week until you can try again. It can get incredibly frustrating.  Long waits, several days to a week or more, between scenes also slows things down a lot. One thing that would really speed things up would be to randomly meet characters at different times of the day, in different places (for general interactions, at least). Turn the city park (downtown), library, lake, and mall into more active locations, and expand student interactions into the mornings and evenings, and the whole thing would feel more dynamic.

On the plus side, at least the game is fairly simple and pleasant to work through, and it does not suffer from the "I'm so in love with my worldbuilding that I'm including hundred page wall-of-text cutscenes every ten minutes to tell you all about it" that some of them do (I'm looking at you Harem Hotel and Lucky Paradox-I just forward through that crap as fast as my spacebar can go now). It never gets bogged down in heavy-handed complexity.

I will say I also like some of the little touches. The interface is reasonably intuitive, and finding the secret stash cards is fun, as are most of the little bonus side scenes. And while I may possibly be in the minority, I am thankful so far that it is not too overloaded with fetish stuff either. I can put up with the occasional footsie scene or whatnot, but some of these games go way overboard. I just hope and beg that if preggo is introduced that it can be completely disabled. I want to play hentai games to escape the real-world consequences of sex, not wallow in them.