Thanks for the feedback, shame you didn't get to the other stages... but glad you enjoyed. I have a mixed relationship with Hearty McHeartFace, on one hand he's a fun character to have around, but on the other I felt really weird doing his voice over and putting on a fake accent - the things we do for game dev! lol
The idea of having three woman at the start is so you can pick the one you like the most (kinda like in real life) and try it on with her, but if it's not working out, you have other options (... also, like in real life). The woman you have success with, you then go on a date with and later have kids etc... so that's kind of why it was setup like that. I was going to have different woman come and go, but ran out of time for all that unfortunately.
I think the losing heart would've been that some of the items are too similar at the moment, like the cake sponges and cherry & icing items, so you think you've made the right thing, but it's subtly different and you lose heart for it. Since playing it afterwards, I can see some of those things are too similar, so I'll change those - but you know how it is, I'm the dev so I knew the differences easily because I made the objects...
You know, I've had 'put lerp on the hands animation' as a task for literarily months now and it keeps getting prioritised out - lol. Right, this time I'm going to do it for real!
If you want a sneak-peak of the other stages, I put together a trailer now -