Pretty nice game, exactly what's expected to be made in a few days (which is not a bad thing by the way), and it's good/great in most areas. For example, in art, the art is simple but easy to see. Again, what you think can be made in a few days. Music is pretty great but not very "catching" of attention. That could either be a music problem or just the platforming is hard.
Speaking of platforming- the game's pretty hard on touchpads. My touchpad is pretty decent tho-and I would have appreciated alternate keyboard controls (like x for grappling instead)
Onto the numbers:
Art: 8.510
Music: 8/10
Implementation of mechanics: 9/10
Theme: 7.5/10. Nothing to gimmicky tbh.
I honestly think your game is great and deserves a good place in the jam. Good work guys! Keep it up.