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Another platformer with no modular jumps and no grace jumps, BUT with precision jumping. I found your combat interesting, because I had to wait for enemies to look the other way to shoot them. Which made the game into a puzzle. I liked that. But then I got to a high platform that looked only barely not reachable, failed the jump a few times, and quit to desktop. A platformer MUST have excellent characterController classes not to be at best mediocre. I wasn't willing to subject myself to bearing with more inevitable upset with missed jumps.

Graphics are coherent and even pleasant, if a tad monochrome with the overuse of grey.

SFX and music were there and functional. Music was a little barebone.

Don't see how the theme is hit.

You don't catch the theme until you beat the game unfortunately...  The trick to the part you were stuck at was to go through the room to your right up through it and out to a ledge and jump down between the wires onto the platform you were trying to reach. You were close to the end too, However, there's a trick to beating the boss. It depends on how you handle the enemies.  did you use stealth? or did you follow trust the game and "LEAVE NOTHING ALIVE"? Remember, the game is a liar ;) and also there are 2 ways to beat the boss, and for the true ending check the boss room ;) OK, no more hints!