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Alright now all of these will sound negative but I'm just trying to give some constructive criticism

- I don't like the unresponsiveness when trying to stop moving, I get that you did that because of the animations, but you can fix it (I forgot how to do it in unity, but there's a way)
- The doors are really hard to remember and a bit confusing overall, as a door is both something that gives an item and something you need to bring an item to. I would change the game idea altogether and add like a hole in the middle of the map that requests items. This would remove the "bring an item to the door" part which would make the game a lot less confusing, and easier to memorize the items. (at least in theory)
- I don't like how going through an infinity door (I think that was its name?) teleports the player to the middle of the room, as it can often put the player in some really dangerous positions. I would just leave the player at the position of the door, so it doesn't throw off the player
- Going to the next level should refill health and stamina, otherwise it just forces a level restart
- I liked the level restart mechanic, where the price goes up, but other than that, the coins are basically useless. Some stat boosts or purchasable one-time-use infinite door effects would make it much more valuable, and it would intruduce a lot of strategy to the game, because you are spending the money you use to revive yourself, which would be some nice risk and reward
- Restarting the level breaks the music until the next level (minor bug, doesn't really matter)
- Going to the main menu after dying keeps the enemies loaded and they make a ton of enemy noise (another minor bug)

All in all, even with most of these sounding like negatives, I still enjoyed the game, the concept is almost there but it definetly requires some tweaks.

Also if you have some time, my entry is really close to hitting 20 rates, so I would really appreciate if you would also rate mine! ❤️

I really REALLY appreciate the feed back! I agree its not negative its constructive!

Let go through the point I 100% agree with and have been popular feedback
1. Teleporting to the centre: The fix for this after the jam is that when ever the player teleports anywhere he push all enemies in an AOE. however just teleporting back here is also a good idea!

2.  Coins other than restarts are useless: True some elements that allow upgradability should be added.

3. Music Break and main menu: These are bugs and have to be fixed unfortunately cant be fixed before the jam ends.

Things that might be up for debate:
1. Maybe you are right since the it will aid the player dead in the tracks but the smooth stop was put in there mainly due to feel response which some player actually appreciated since it dint feel jerky. But you are right its a competition between feel and mechanics. The the movement is governed by a character controller and they key board keys are not snapped.
2. The game takes influence from the card memory game: where you flip a card and then remember it then flip in back upside down. Now you need to find pair. The design intention was that your holding the item so you would know which item you are holding but its true due to teleporting people tend to forget. An easier solution would be that the card on top of the door does not disappear until a new item is picked up so the player can see which door he found the item in.

Once again I appreciate the feedback it will only help improve the game! 

Ill play your game right away! 


Yeah the "card on top of the door does not disappear until a new item is picked up" could also work, anything that would help the player is a plus.