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East West Infiniti Game Studio

A member registered May 14, 2023 · View creator page →

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I enjoyed it good one! Like the concept!

Thankyou ill give you gave a run today! Any other feedback that i could use to improve the game?

Thankyou give it another run fixed some of the bugs. I would love further feed back on how I could improve it.

Really enjoyed it. sounds and animation were great! The comedic element really gave the game its vibe!

Added all your socials

Added you!

Good job everyone congratulations to all the winners and top scorers!

Already played

I got you!

I got you

Thankyou all for allowing me to play your creative games (Rated over 110) and giving me constructive feedback on mine. I have one humble request! I am an aspiring Indie developer close to launch for my first game that I have been working on for a nearly a year now. It would be great if you could give me a follow on the socials and drop your links so I can follow you back. Community support is essential for all solo indies!


Tik Tok:



If you haven't played my entry for the jam yet its here https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-11/rate/2535110

Ill give it a run try mine 

Played all your games guys time to return the favour!

Already played yours one of my favourites I must say!

Lol are you trying give me a heart attack :D. Good job though :D

(1 edit)

The game had a great mechanic however it did bug out at some places and my cursor kept going off screen. You would have to lock that to screen.

Very interesting idea. I got to level 3 i would suggest putting the health bar on a screen space canvas other wise i liked the unique point click and hold movement!

This was a very good idea as a game I really really like it but has little to do with the theme.

This was one one the most creative uses of the genre is like speed dungeon crawling! You should definitely do something with this!

I love the sound effects fun game! Very creative idea I must say. Would be so interesting if this was an entire game!

Mine is an Action Puzzle Game that relies on memory and dexterity. Check it out here


Rating more games today send in your entries!

Yes played and rated your game! Its was great!

Thankyou for the play. I have already made the fixes but cant upload before the jam is over. I plan to develop this into a full free game after the jam.

Already rate it! Good game!

Will definitely rate it!

Lesson 1: Build a browser game people don't want to go through the effort of downloading your game

Lesson 2: Rate for Rate is a lie. Most people wont rate your game. just enjoy playing other peoples games

If you would like play my game ill rate you back over a 100 games rated up till now

Mine is an Action Puzzle Game that relies on memory and dexterity. Check it out here


Good and simple game enjoyed it. Was a bit weak theme wise though but great fun. Would like to see if this develops in a full fledge game!

Sound and art style were superb! I like all the animations and when i lost the world got destroyed :D

Its goes without say that shader made the game look amazing. I was bit confused on what to do though in the start. 

Ill check it out but if you like give mine a try! 

Ill check it out but if you like give mine a try! 

Gave me a scare! Good one!

I got you mate! If you can please give mine ago!


I can not tell you how much I liked it! It was so well done! art style music SFX all were great only tiny criticism I have is that it have very little to with the theme. BUT I liked it. Some play testing more mechanics would make this even better!

I think I already rate your game

Completely understand the Idea Is Great by the way.

I really REALLY appreciate the feed back! I agree its not negative its constructive!

Let go through the point I 100% agree with and have been popular feedback
1. Teleporting to the centre: The fix for this after the jam is that when ever the player teleports anywhere he push all enemies in an AOE. however just teleporting back here is also a good idea!

2.  Coins other than restarts are useless: True some elements that allow upgradability should be added.

3. Music Break and main menu: These are bugs and have to be fixed unfortunately cant be fixed before the jam ends.

Things that might be up for debate:
1. Maybe you are right since the it will aid the player dead in the tracks but the smooth stop was put in there mainly due to feel response which some player actually appreciated since it dint feel jerky. But you are right its a competition between feel and mechanics. The the movement is governed by a character controller and they key board keys are not snapped.
2. The game takes influence from the card memory game: where you flip a card and then remember it then flip in back upside down. Now you need to find pair. The design intention was that your holding the item so you would know which item you are holding but its true due to teleporting people tend to forget. An easier solution would be that the card on top of the door does not disappear until a new item is picked up so the player can see which door he found the item in.

Once again I appreciate the feedback it will only help improve the game! 

Ill play your game right away! 

100% playing it

Good Job though guys seriously learnt a lot and had a lot of fun!