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Pretty cool game. I played for about an hour and a half and I had fun. I appreciate that the tutorial wasn't a text dump, and I'm sure I would be completely lost without it. But the tutorial text hidden behind fog of war was annoying, I would need a unit right on top of it to be able to read it since it would go dark without one, but then the units would cover bits of the tutorial (same goes for buildings) , or I would be able to partially read the tutorial text and would need to send units to make it readable. Maybe make the whole thing appear when you reveal a bit of it. I only got as far as the first section of the campaign, but seeing the borders grow when I beat the last section felt very demotivating (Might just be a me thing to be honest since I hate roguelikes/roguelites so disregard this bit if you feel strongly about it). I'm assuming the maps are procedurally generated for infinite gameplay? I built a few buildings but have no idea what the stat increases do, maybe a tooltip or something might be helpful. An auto exploring unit might help as well, exploring felt really tedious especially with all the tree's & lakes that can spawn and the relatively low health of the starting units (On further playthroughs I see that the units you start with also appear to be random so I guess its just the units I got weren't great for it?). There's a mention of game speed in the web version so I downloaded the standalone but I can't seem to find such a setting in game. I like variety of units but I feel a lack of cohesion in them, maybe if the tiles they spawn on and their spawning circles matched the theme of the units or something the game world would feel a lot more alive. I feel like a lot of my gripes come from a lack of understanding of the in-depth gameplay elements. Something like a hand built campaign mode that can teach the players about the intricate mechanics bit by bit would help a lot.  Individually the sprites, textures, look great but some of them don't mix well together or feel really out of place if you lets say started with skeletons and then you got a car or something next. I know I mostly just complained but I did have fun, and that's the most important thing. The game itself is fun, if there was a way to introduce players to maybe some strategy and understanding of more mechanics I could have fun for a whole lot longer.  Keep up the good work, hope to see you next DD as well.

(2 edits) (+1)

Heyo, thank you for playing! Appreciate all the input.

(On further playthroughs I see that the units you start with also appear to be random so I guess its just the units I got weren't great for it?). There's a mention of game speed in the web version so I downloaded the standalone but I can't seem to find such a setting in game.

You need to run launcher.exe instead of hypercoven.exe, then you can select your starting units as well as game speed ("sloth") and more.

I like variety of units but I feel a lack of cohesion in them, maybe if the tiles they spawn on and their spawning circles matched the theme of the units or something the game world would feel a lot more alive. 

Oh, you remind me… this was my initial idea, having matching houses for each pair of units. Until I came across the Summoning Circle sprite and thought, well, screw it, this will do for all and save so much work.

I built a few buildings but have no idea what the stat increases do, maybe a tooltip or something might be helpful. … I feel like a lot of my gripes come from a lack of understanding of the in-depth gameplay elements.

Yeah, I am still unsure how to best do it. I want the details to be a bit mysterious, but that should be intriguing, not frustrating.