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Cool to see a tabletop game in the jam! A lot here is ripped straight from D&D (including protected terminology, you may have to release this under the OGL) and Pathfinder, but a fair amount isn't, which is good. I like the ability system. However, this feels like a game you strictly play within a polycule, due to the sex rules, but I'm not polygamous, so what do I know. A lot of work must have gone into this- It is complete with a reasonable set of races, equipment, moves, monsters, and even a character sheet and entire adventure module! It ticks off all the boxes that something mimicking D&D wants to do. Bravo for packing in that much content in a month!

Thanks! I'm glad you liked it. It's meant for couples more so than polycules but the language was kept vague because it can scale with any number of players. I'm curious what the protected terminology you saw was though. We deliberately tried to avoid protected terms when possible so I'm not sure what exactly slipped through. It is certainly using common names like d20, checks, advantage, etc but those terms are used across many different rule sets both inside and outside of the OGL. Was trying to avoid using any particular license because we built it to be its own system from the ground up while still being familiar for d20 system players.