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This game is amazing, I've played it for half an hour to get to the purifier ending.

I don't want to spoil it for others but some design choices were really clever, the characters looked awesome and the dubbing was really fun and cool! 

The graphics in general are really really cool and the soundtrack is neat. The sound fx are cartoonish but in a good way and fit the game perfectly.

I really liked that you used the theme of the jam in more elements of the game and not only in the dialogues part. This is one of the few games where the theme feels like a part of the game and not forced inside it to make it work for it.

It was a fun experience and as I was playing I really wanted to get at least one of the trophies.

My only issues with the game are: 

1) the jump animation which I think is a bit too short, sometimes I had to repeat an easy jump three times because I was not on the edge of the ground; also in the last part where you go to the cave of truth the jump part is annoying because if you try to jump while walking towards the edge of the platform you will fall every time.

2) if an enemy has prepared a shot he will shoot you even if you kill him first.

That's it, this is a wondeful game and it's unbelievable that you made it in just one week!


It is so awesome to hear that someone actually got the Purifier Ending! WP man! As for the feedback of the controls and enemy attacks, we appreciate it very much and we are going to try to polish this kind of stuff in future games. And yeah, we had so much fun doing the voice acting, so we are glad you liked it :)

Thanks for putting time and effort into completing the game!

By the way I got the Purifier Ending ONLY because I thought it was the only was to finish the game ahahah I'm a bit of a perfectionist

It would be great if you'd check out our game too :)