Day 3 or 4: I think it is day 4? Time zones differences make things weird.
Anyways, I added walls, a goal (which transitions you to the next puzzle), and a movement counter to the game. I now have all of the tools for basic puzzle generation. I have plans for a few more mechanics I can add to the puzzles: collapsing platforms, switches, etc.
However, before I do that, I need to decide on an art style. The setting is basically an alternate dimension that the main character is exploring/researching, but I have yet to nail the vibe that I want. It does not help that I am new to pixel art, too. I am thinking of maybe taking inspiration from Yumme Nikki, but I am unsure. Right now, I have two art styles I have made. One was originally placeholders I randomly made, but they have gained some popularity due to hard-to-identify objects. The other is more 'normal,' but I find it very satisfying sliding these barrel shapes around, as they almost click into place next to each other. I will likely take most of tomorrow trying to improve my art.