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A member registered Feb 05, 2024 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

why would you press q? That letter’s been banned from Pino’s Journey since at least…

*checks watch* 

…June 1st


he specifically said nuh uh to fish. So do with that what you will

I think the dates are more suggestions except for the ending date. welp it doesn’t matter for me anyways bc I can only code one day ~.~

I don’t think Pino streams, but will there be a vod or an unlisted video somewhere where we can see his raw unedited reactions and roasts to the games? 

be illegal, go for it

(PS it’s not illegal)

either that or I’ve been breaking the law for months and the police just haven’t found me yet

the paid license is only for commercial license. As long as you aren’t charging money for the game you can upload the game from gamemaker easily without any legal trouble 

also pino is trying to roast you. He wants to roast your music. Make bad music. Embrace it

(1 edit)

the rules say you have to have the proper license, so likely nothing with copyright 

because of 🍉

Let’s imagine a scenario:

Let’s say that in this scenario, Pino wants to beat me to a pulp and grind me into dust and scatter my ashes to the wind after I submit a game to his RoastMe Jam(tm). However, I will not be able to code during the 2 days of the jam.

What if I told you this was a reality, and the only stopping Pino from nuking my home is this time constraint of mine. Can I submit something coded in the days leading up to the jam? (Not including anything coded over a long period of time lol)

tysm! I have lots of plans to continue this project, so keep your eyes peeled! I'll be posting on this itch.io page with updates sometime in a month if you're interested in staying informed

so is that 18-24 or 25+? 

or if you can send me your discord username I can send a friend request to you

Sorry, I think I accidentally declined it lol. Can you send again?

My discord username is dragonsproutling. hit me up!

1. Can we start planning for the game before June 1st? Not working on it nor making code, assets, etc. Just planning out the genre, vibe, and outline of the game.

2. The itch.io page shows there will be masterclasses each month. How do we join those? Do we need to sign up for those separately?

Hi! What age group are you in?

Hi! What age group are you in?

Hi! Which age group are you under?

I was looking through all the games since the end of the jam is drawing near, and I realized I accidentally skipped your game when I first played through them all. Here's some feedback!

The art style is well done, and I appreciate the visual filters when you are afflicted by a side effect. The twisted tiles and bee stings could make things a challenge. However, I also found the controls themselves a challenge. Most games have the left and right keys move your character left and right rather than moving your camera left and right. It took me a few deaths to even realize why I was moving strange and falling, and even after, it felt clunky and slow. It could work with edits, but without a way to adjust camera sensitivity, it just felt cumbersome. The random level generation was also cool, but it felt like I was getting the same flavor of randomness fed to me over and over. Sure, the levels were different, but other than being bigger and having more flying guys, but they all felt the same. If you plan on continuing the project, I'd recommend adding some possible combat mechanics or some other mechanics to add some flavor to the levels. You could also include milestone levels (maybe every 5th or 10th level) in order to incentivize players to keep completing levels. Overall, great game! Chroma Bees are my favorite : )

Just curious, what rare illness is it based on. Something bee related?

I was going back to look at all the games since the results are almost out, and I realized I accidentally skipped this game before. Here's my review!

Really cool game! The sound design and clean UI is really nice.  I like the color palette chosen. The overall game design is really nice, too! There were some genuinely tense moments when the AI was hot on my heels. I think the rate of energy production  is just right, prevent ability spam but still giving you enough energy. However, the game felt a bit unfair when there were Xs on the edge of faces I was trying to move onto. I could not see the Xs, so when trying to switch faces, I would be blocked with no visual indicator of the X blocking the way. I got several game overs that way. Also, the L ability did not seem to work. Combine the two, and the game was seeming pretty impossible until I learned how to juke the AI. The AI always prioritizes getting in the same column as you, so if you move left and right when the AI is above or below you, the AI will also move left and right and never get closer. Here's my high score so far. Cool game!

The rules say we must make "...intimate and personal video games based on real lived-in experiences." How closely do our games need to follow our personal experiences? Could we also base it off of the personal experiences of someone close to us (with their permission of course). How far into fiction can our game's story go?

If you are ever interested in coming back to this game and improving on it, I found the following bugs:
I also ran into a visual glitch where my game screen flickered from the gameplay to a black screen very quickly. It started at the word jumble game. In another playthrough, this occurred when I selected the book in the top left multiple times. My guess is that it is a problem with switching between menus or screens.

The continue button on the main menu is a bit broken. Pressing it lets you spawn in with all of the medals and knowledge you've learned, along with all the rooms you have unlocked,  but the game forces you to go through all of the introductory dialogue and tutorial prompts, and it respawns every clickable item in every room.

I like your games and your commitment to education, so I would love to see this game in an improved state! :)

It's a cool game that teaches about sound, but from what I played, I didn't see any connection to rare diseases. Also, considering I have seen this same game on multiple other game jams, and it has been disqualified on others, I am inclined to believe that this game wasn't made for this game jam or for rare diseases. It is a well-made game though! The UI is clean, and the minigames are well suited for younger children. I did run into a bug where I got stuck in a dialogue loop: every time I pressed the button to go to the next dialogue, it repeated the same dialogue. Besides that, good game, just not very relevant to this game jam.

It's a neat game, but it looks like it does not fit the jam requirements

Did your game have anything to do with rare diseases? I'm not a judge, but looking at your submission, I don't think it had much to do with rare diseases or the other theme

The collisions are pretty buggy, but it's a cool game

Just confirming, is our pitch allowed to have video editing? ie cuts, gameplay footage, etc

If we are accepted as top 8 for the first deadline, when will we film with the judges, and when will we know if we are top 4 (and get the 1k for development). In asking bc the 1k will greatly affect my development pipeline, but only if I know I have it earlier on

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Yume Nikki was actually one of my inspirations :)

I think you make the video and submit that through the submissions

The controls say you have to press 'enter' to submit a word. Hope that helps!

I'll try to find the time to play it again. It's cool that you have this extended content!

If you were to ever revisit making the game, I'd suggest putting information about Hair Cell Leukemia earlier in the game, or at least mentioning that it is involved. I thought I was just fighting a 'rare disease,' but the fact that you have taken initiative and inserted a specific disease is something that should be specified sooner. You could maybe mention Hairy Cell Leukemia in the itchio description so that judges know

(2 edits)

I thought I left a comment here, but ig I forgot to post it.

The game's really good! The AI is fun to talk to (the AI was the highlight imo; my favorite chatbot in the whole gamejam. It is very funny), and the minigames are pretty good. I got softlocked on 'leap of faith' tho and was not able to exit the minigame. I had fun tho!

I had left more specific feedback in my original comment but I forget the feedback since I played so many games. Oops!