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I've never played a Lex Talionis game before! This was really cool. Honestly I tinkered around in the settings for several minutes before starting.

Three board games colliding is a really fun twist on the "shattered empires" prompt. The dialogue and gameplay were very cute. I'm not sure what the pattern is behind the Go pieces appearing, but they always seemed to be in the most inconvenient spot (in a good way, requiring me to think). There's something clever going on here I'm sure.

I wasn't sure what to do with the Shuai piece and it ended up dying pretty quickly - it could only move side to side, never forward. I haven't played that game so I'm not sure if that was expected. I was surprised its full-column attack only took 5 hp from the targets, not kill them outright. I thought it'd be a kind of emergency "clear the way" button, but 5 damage doesn't do much of anything compared to the rook's instakill. I was surprised it got doubled. As in, I was surprised this game has doubling.

Also I used the laurel horse's attack once and never again. No reason to attack instead of move.

I got to the end, softlocked as mentioned in the known issues. I'm assuming this was just a time problem, no worries. My playtime was about 6 minutes. Very cool submission!