I was surprised when one of the enemies was walking over top the shelving units. Not sure if intended or not.
Not intended, but I kind of want them to do that intentionally if they have the opportunity to do so. Though probably only the smarter enemies.
An enemy walked into the water, I heard shooting but I’m not sure if he was missing or if he couldn’t shoot out of the river.
He probably just missed, I have changed how water affects projectiles but that will be next demo day.
I was shooting at 2 melee guys running at me. I decided to hold down shoot since they were in a line, but the first one’s death animation was soaking most of my bullets meant for the one behind. I guess that’s fine, though I would rather not have it effect bullets.
I’m in two minds about this, on one hand this wasn’t really intended. But on the other hand it does make sense, especially as none of the bullets are armor-piercing.
I couldn’t see any secondary paths by going into the water, which seems apt for such a map.
This is a good point, the water really doesn’t serve much purpose right now.
Finished the demo, had a good time. Keep up the good work.
Thanks for trying it out, appreciate the feedback!