This is my first time playing this in quite a while I think, so it feels super fresh. Movement feels great. Mouselook feels like there's maybe some acceleration on it? My old man wrists have a little bit of a hard time with mouse acceleration. The sound effects and animations are amazing, super satisfying. The music is excellent. The first level has a very good flow to it, and I learned a lot from playing through it. The second level reminds me of the original Ghost Recon in a really good way. Looks and feels excellent already. You're probably the first person to make robots fun to fight in an FPS, great job with the enemies. Your shotgun feels amazing. Probably genuinely the best-feeling auto shotgun I've used, most of them suck. The machinegun is fun too. The scope feels a little useless with how much recoil it adds. I've never really felt the need to use it at any range, though. I almost got my ass beat on level 2. The little fireworks that blast off when you clear a level are cute. That was really fun. Great work.
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Ctesiphon's pageComments
Thanks for trying it out again. Lots of compliments, so I must be on the right track!
Mouselook feels like there’s maybe some acceleration on it?
Virtually everyone has been complaining about this, I dev on Linux with mouse acceleration disabled at the OS level so I never notice. Rather than puzzling my way through getting raw input working with the OS APIs, I’m just going to switch to using GLFW at some point to handle it.
Sound on Linux still didn’t work, so I went for Windoze this time. Surprised the new level is so different from the last. Very nice! Keep it up, this game is somehow just so good.
Sound on Linux still didn’t work
Probably because I still had PulseAudio/Pipewire completely disabled so it wasn’t even trying. I’ve turned it back on but moved ALSA ahead of it in priority because that’s a lot more reliable in my experience, just that if you’re running Pipewire there is no ALSA fallback. I’ve added a bunch of advanced audio options for next demo day to select backend and device so next Demo Day it should either just work or allow you to tweak it to figure out what’s wrong.
Very nice! Keep it up, this game is somehow just so good.
I appreciate it. I will, and thank you!
-Rapidly switching the weapons causes a choppy effect on the arms/guns. Not sure how much you can do to mitigate that though, or if it would make it feel less responsive.
-I was discovered when sneaking in the supermarket, I was surprised when one of the enemies was walking over top the shelving units. Not sure if intended or not. The other guy I rounded on was running in place into a shelf.
-Running into the potted cactus doesn't hurt me. I'm both relieved and a little disappointed.
-Swimming seems alright. When more visuals are applied to the underwater effect, it will feel more convincing.
-An enemy walked into the water, I heard shooting but I'm not sure if he was missing or if he couldn't shoot out of the river. When I jumped in to knife him, he seemed to be floating and moving slowly, so that seems about right.
-I was shooting at 2 melee guys running at me. I decided to hold down shoot since they were in a line, but the first one's death animation was soaking most of my bullets meant for the one behind. I guess that's fine, though I would rather not have it effect bullets.
Finished the demo, had a good time. I especially like the theme of level 2, as a Venice esque location. Though, I couldn't see any secondary paths by going into the water, which seems apt for such a map. Keep up the good work.
I was surprised when one of the enemies was walking over top the shelving units. Not sure if intended or not.
Not intended, but I kind of want them to do that intentionally if they have the opportunity to do so. Though probably only the smarter enemies.
An enemy walked into the water, I heard shooting but I’m not sure if he was missing or if he couldn’t shoot out of the river.
He probably just missed, I have changed how water affects projectiles but that will be next demo day.
I was shooting at 2 melee guys running at me. I decided to hold down shoot since they were in a line, but the first one’s death animation was soaking most of my bullets meant for the one behind. I guess that’s fine, though I would rather not have it effect bullets.
I’m in two minds about this, on one hand this wasn’t really intended. But on the other hand it does make sense, especially as none of the bullets are armor-piercing.
I couldn’t see any secondary paths by going into the water, which seems apt for such a map.
This is a good point, the water really doesn’t serve much purpose right now.
Finished the demo, had a good time. Keep up the good work.
Thanks for trying it out, appreciate the feedback!
Gave it a go for the first time in like 2 years I think. It's really come a long way.
I found it very intuitive, and just had to double-check controls to make sure I wasn't missing anything. Got a couple minor points so I'll just ramble here:
- I feel like having a small indicator of your available weapons would be really good. I wasn't sure which weapons I had and when I picked up a new one, what number they were assigned to.
- Enemies were pretty easy to deal with. Circle-strafing everyone seemed to get the job done. Do they consistently miss if you do that? It seems like it. Maybe a bit of target tracking, especially for projectile weapons, could go a long way.
- The weapons felt great. Recoil was pretty easy to control on the machine gun. Short, controlled bursts went out the window because pulling straight down seemed to get the job done. The plasma gun worked really well on the robotic enemies.
- I had a huge abundance of ammo, and plenty of backup spots for medkits.
- This definitely felt familiar, and the first level is kino. I know the second level still needs some work, but I tried out the water and went back to land. Hope you'll be able to incorporate it more soon!
Great job as always. Keen to see more. Cheers!
I feel like having a small indicator of your available weapons would be really good. I wasn’t sure which weapons I had and when I picked up a new one, what number they were assigned to.
You’re not the first to ask for that, I’m considering something like a small version of the row along the bottom you get in UT2004.
Enemies were pretty easy to deal with. Circle-strafing everyone seemed to get the job done. Do they consistently miss if you do that? It seems like it. Maybe a bit of target tracking, especially for projectile weapons, could go a long way.
They do track, but their speed is limited when doing so. I intend for close-range circle-strafing to be the main strat, the MC using her advantage in agility over the bad guys who rely too much on gadgets.
I had a huge abundance of ammo, and plenty of backup spots for medkits.
It’s always in flux as I tweak the levels, this will be part of the difficulty options when I add them.
Thanks for coming back to it!
Action packed, I liked it.
Played trough 1st level 4 times to find a shotgun :D
Zoom on machine gun makes it even harder to control spread of the gun, so I didn't used it.
Are you dealing more damage if enemy isn't alerted? Because it felt like that when I one shot machine gun guys with plasma gun.
Really nice flow in the 1st map, didn't even made me think for a second where to go.
View slider feels wrong, hands go far form screen too quickly.
Machine gun enemy's are too accurate in comparison with my machine gun.
Strange that all weapons in the 1st level on trash cans.
Are you dealing more damage if enemy isn’t alerted? Because it felt like that when I one shot machine gun guys with plasma gun.
Absolutely, the damage bonus is on a timer too so a burst from the SMG benefits from it too.
Strange that all weapons in the 1st level on trash cans. There weren’t enough tables around in the beginning, lol
Glad you liked it, thanks for playing!
Still good, played both levels. Crouch is kind of OP when it comes to the enemies abilities to detect you.
I like it. Two things though
Why does MG have scope as its alt when the recoil makes the scope basically unusable?
Level design could be better. It doesn't seem like the levels have a single line you could take through them to complete them without having to double back on yourself, or if they do, it's not very obvious. I'm not saying to make the levels linear, just to not have any dead ends.
Why does MG have scope as its alt when the recoil makes the scope basically unusable?
It’s supposed to an okay backup at every range. The plasmagun is better against groups and I’ll be adding a railgun as a dedicated long-range weapon.
Level design could be better. It doesn’t seem like the levels have a single line you could take through them to complete them without having to double back on yourself, or if they do, it’s not very obvious. I’m not saying to make the levels linear, just to not have any dead ends.
I hate linear levels so I design them more like imsim maps. I justify dead-ends if they end in an important pickup like a key.
I like it. I do too, I pretty sure I’m on the right track. Thanks for playing!
love this game, happy to see progress.
two things:
considering how much effort you put into making the physics and sfx of swimming, shouldn't there be a "water tint/shader" over the screen while underwater? it would help the feeling of.... IMMERSION.
also, as you add more levels and want people to test them out, shouldn't there be a level select screen? this way we won't have to play again the older levels to try out the newer ones.
shouldn’t there be a “water tint/shader” over the screen while underwater?
Yes indeed, I just ran out of time for that too.
shouldn’t there be a level select screen?
This is a very good point, I saw Shanghai Gold do that and I probably should as well.
love this game, happy to see progress.
Love to see it, thanks for playing!
So that’s where all the water posting came from.
It’s the big new feature for this DD, didn’t have time to add a new enemy or weapon.
Human enemies break down in the water, simply ignoring change of environment.
They do, they’re completely oblivious for now. I need to do a big AI pass at some point.
stabs are a bit inconsistent.
Not sure what you mean, it’s the same animation and collider every time. But there’s no queuing up followup strikes so you have to time it with the end of the swing.
I really enjoyed it, sound design and animations are spot on. All in all good game.
Great to hear, thanks for playing!
* The new level does seem a bit big but I managed to finished it, even if I didn't know at first that the blue key activates that bridge.
* Rocket launcher is great even if most people expect "gib" animations.
* I notice some enemies can be a bit more of a threat when they're from further away.
I didn’t know at first that the blue key activates that bridge.
This should be much clearer once I do a few interiors
Rocket launcher is great even if most people expect “gib” animations.
This is in the pipeline, I just have to spend an hour making some giblet models and blood particles.
I notice some enemies can be a bit more of a threat when they’re from further away.
I’ll have to tweak this a bit, the Goon dudes are supposed to be an average threat level no matter the distance
I LOVE the way this game looks. It's that specific late 90's aesthetics where fidely started to go up but details were still relatively low - one game in particular, SHOGO comes to my mind. The visuals are nice and clean, hit indicators are clear. Guns feel different enough but all of them are useful and pack a punch in their own way.
I did come across a couple issues however: first thing that I've noticed is that enemies don't seem to react to noise/gunshot, even when they're relatively close. This is most apparent in the shop in the first level, where you can shotgun the gunners down one by one as the rest keeps browsing like nothing happened. Their cone of vision seems fairly low as well.
Another issue, specifically with the gunners is that once they are shooting, their turning speed is way too low. They have no problem facing me while running, but once they start shooting you can easily run behind them as they slowly and awkwardly start to inch their direction towards you.
Had a bug on the first level that the water in the basement didn't render at all, so was quite confused when I started to swim in the air suddenly.
For the second level, I know you mentioned that enemy variety is lacking but what was missing in my opinion for those wide open areas are enemies that shoot slower projectiles you have to dodge. Melee enemies are not that much of a threat (unless sneaking up on you) and the gunners with their fast projectiles (or hitscan, though it didn't feel like they are) are way too opressive because of the large distances.
I loved SHOGO, had a game breaking bug in a boss-fight towards the end so I never finished it, but it did have a big influence on this game.
I’ve noticed is that enemies don’t seem to react to noise/gunshot, even when they’re relatively close.
I need some special handling for sound so that you can aggro other dudes in the room but not behind walls in areas deeper in the level. I might have an Ambush AI state where they ignore sound and wait for LOS. Otherwise, if it’s purely sound-based you can end up alerting half the map every time you shoot.
specifically with the gunners is that once they are shooting, their turning speed is way too low.
This is partially intentional to encourage circle-strafing, otherwise the goons specifically are way more dangerous because the start of their burst is more accurate. I might make them do a sweep across rather than tracking.
Had a bug on the first level that the water in the basement didn’t render at all
Nani? There isn’t supposed to be any water on the first level! The water Z level is set to -4km so it shouldn’t be happening at all!
what was missing in my opinion for those wide open areas are enemies that shoot slower projectiles you have to dodge
This is a good point, I was going to make an a sniper-type enemy you have to stick to cover to approach. But slower projectiles would be a lot of fun so I might add that one first.
Melee enemies are not that much of a threat (unless sneaking up on you)
They do work much better in enclosed areas. Like real-life I guess, lol.
gunners with their fast projectiles (or hitscan, though it didn’t feel like they are) are way too opressive because of the large distances.
This level is probably going to have the longest sight-lines, so it’s really missing a sniper, which is the next planned weapon. That should make them a little easier to deal with.
Thanks for the feedback!
Love level 2! Finally i found a rocket launcher, but only to have it after having dealt with most big groups lmao. Its quite a nice change to have these big open spaces where you can take various paths to get to the end instead of the tight corridors of level one. Sure it feels a bit empty because it is so big, but like others said, you might still do things about it.
Im not sure if this happened to me last DD, but in the garage in level 1, the two saw-men got stuck behind the truck trying to get to me. Was the only time enemies had their pathing broken though.
So, another level and maybe a new weapon/enemy in about two months?
Thanks for playing! I think it feels a lot more stretched out due to being an adaptation of an Onslaught level I made for UT2004 years ago. I’ve compressed it a lot but it did used to have these big, wide avenues for driving vehicles in.
Im not sure if this happened to me last DD, but in the garage in level 1, the two saw-men got stuck behind the truck trying to get to me. Was the only time enemies had their pathing broken though.
The enemies have literally no pathfinding right now, they’re completely oblivious to the terrain. Combined with the remaining bugs in the collision it’s easy to get them stuck if you know what to do.
So, another level and maybe a new weapon/enemy in about two months?
That’s my plan for every demo day now, though this time adding water ate up all the mechanical time.
Have you amped the difficulty since last time because it feels a bit more reactive than before, which is a good thing. I don’t know if this is new, but I like the FOV setting, I maxed it so I could get a better feel and it worked. One of the enemies got stuck chasing me, but that’s still a nitpick, the others worked fine. It’s just a weird corner.
Died a few times this time around but got to see more of the level, which is fine. The last time I played I didn’t get to see much and I felt a little lost. I’m glad that this is not the issue anymore. Good game.
Have you amped the difficulty since last time because it feels a bit more reactive than before
No, the first level’s pretty much the same. Just that the snacks heal much less and the medikits fill their previous role instead.
I don’t know if this is new, but I like the FOV setting, I maxed it so I could get a better feel and it worked.
Not new, it’s always been there. I play with it about halfway but I default it to only 1/3 or so as that’s where most games seem to set it.
One of the enemies got stuck chasing me,
Just Bullet giving me grey hairs, I’ll fix it eventually.
Died a few times this time around but got to see more of the level, which is fine. The last time I played I didn’t get to see much and I felt a little lost. I’m glad that this is not the issue anymore. Good game.
Glad you liked it!
I like it! Just running around and shooting feels good, nice punchy guns. I want more. I like how you can both play it a bit sneaky and run'n'gun, would like to see some sort of stun animation or indicator (instead of !) when you sneak up and melee an enemy. Played on normal.
This enemy got stuck:
I know the 2nd level is far from done, I hope there will be some doodads and other random stuff in the streets to break up the monotony and give you cover. Its shaping up to be a good level otherwise.
There needs to be some clear indication to what happens when you insert the blue keycard in the 2nd level.
You can't shoot through here?? Ok....
Somehow I got stuck jumping here and died:
Could also use saving/checkpoints. I prefer checkpoints these days actually.
Good to hear it! Yeah I know, me too. I’ve got about a dozen levels in the pipeline but just never enough time during the week to work on them.
would like to see some sort of stun animation or indicator (instead of !) when you sneak up and melee an enemy.
I already had it on my to-do list to have different barks when they’re sneak-attacked instead of just making their surprise noise. There is already double-damage when an enemy is in shock, but I might give them a stun timer too.
This enemy got stuck: Somehow I got stuck jumping here and died:
Pretty sure these are both the same long-standing problem I’ve had with plane intersections. I’m sick of wrestling with Bullet so I’ve been putting off fixing this while I focus on assets and levels instead.
I hope there will be some doodads and other random stuff in the streets to break up the monotony and give you cover.
That’s the plan, yes. Cars, semis, dumpsters, news-stands, and so on.
There needs to be some clear indication to what happens when you insert the blue keycard in the 2nd level.
I know. Once I do a pass on the interiors the building it’s attached to will lead to the tower in the middle of the canal where the button will overlook one of the bridges directly.
You can’t shoot through here?? Ok….
lol, I should make that a door. It’s meant to be a shortcut later like how there’s two bridges.
Thanks for playing!
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