Thank you. The only things you should be selling are the rings, earrings, necklaces, and bangles you can find. Those are just to make money. As for the skills, I simply ran out of space in their descriptions to tell which stat affects them. The best ones by far are Intelligence and Personality, with Strength being the third most-used. And yeah, I get the pixels being an annoyance. I stopped trying to edit the sprites after four hours with no success (the version of sprites I ended up with was the best one, too). I have no idea why they do that, they look fine in the character preview screens and I even read guides on resizing XP sprites. I had to move on in order to have enough time for making the rest of the game, and I just didn't have time to keep fixing it when everything was finished. Not an excuse, but I had to start prioritizing and I decided the sprites were... mildly passable. Thank you for the feedback, though. Part of me wants to lengthen it so it includes everything I cut out, but it really is a jam-specific game.