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(2 edits) (+1)

Another one !!

i cannot resist the urge to make another fan art of this game soo...xD

they look so lovely here full of love and affection wahhh TvT idk why i am so attached to this game actually i think it made me very comfortable when i played this game and i was so desperate to get to the ??? route LMAO thank you for making this beautiful game i am so shocked that you made this years ago.

And the amount of effort you made for this game is just it, i never seen any visual novel that had many effort's sometimes i just wonder why they aren't any fandom of this when you created this beautifully and the words got me dwelling lol 

I cannot be much more sad that it isn't popular in tiktok it'd be nice if many many thousands of people know about this game and many fan arts of this 

and if you recreate in this game in the future i hope it will be much more popular amongside thousands of people i mean this game has many players who played this before but it was before i actually got a glimpse of the old kuro design and it was great but i prefer kuro's style now i think that artstyle is 2000's anime artstyle if i am correct


this game is so unique but we still don't know much about that guy on the end who kicked me out of the game (LOL) i was so scared that time and i was like what...? 

And i wonder who is the guy and girl who speaks on the first route on ??? and who is Anathema exactly 

is that guy some sort of uhm a guardian angel or something? or he is just watching our journey for fun or could he be the one behind this all? 

i heard him say after i finished the game he said "No one can't love you like i do" 

maybe perhaps he might be the real lover of Anathema? this is such a mystery that's why i love this game anyways just a question when will you recreate this game?

I give kudos to the voice actors and to you for you're all dedication of this game and the amount of time it must have taken is crazy...

anyways i give this game a 5 star i love this game sooo much i will always be back to play this >w< !!

And is that guy from the gamer route he sounds like it very much and he also called the player "Anathema" once so if my theory is correct he might be it

Actually are you still indeed of a CG Artist? you can hire me for free if you want >w< !! i want to support you i saw on your patreon bio that you're indeed of an Artist so maybe you can hire me! if you want anyways please if you made up you're mind please add me on my dc account it's rjifjriojrgitigtig#4901 it would be my pleasure to work with you! <3!

(1 edit)

Oooo :o That one is so cool too! :D They do look so passionate and in love <3 hehe.

I'm glad you like it that much ^-^ I always think that people will just ignore it because it's old now, haha. 

There's probably not much in the way of fandom for any of my games x3 It doesn't help that I tend to avoid social media because I find it too overwhelming >.< Because many devs are quite active on different social media platforms and are able to actively advertise and promote their projects, whereas I can't do that. So the only way anyone ever even finds out about my games is if they happen to just come across them on itch or if someone else recommends them somewhere I guess. 

So yeah, I think the biggest problem is just that not many people actually know my games exist, haha.

It would be super cool if more people knew about this and my other games :3 And even cooler if there was more fan art :D I think my heart would explode with joy if I got fan art more often x3

I guess it must be a big help for visibility if you're able to promote your stuff on tiktok or if others talk about it on there with how popular it is! I don't even have a tiktok account >.< haha.


You can meet that same character who harassed you in this game in one of my other projects (Apartment No.9 :D) and the character is also referenced but not actually seen/heard in Limbo Line too. The character is called The Architech (or Archie if you prefer something cuter x3) but they're currently hibernating. I plan to include more stuff related to them sometime in some of my other games though!

Anathema is technically you, the player :3 It's just what Archie calls you, kind of like a pet name, hehe.

Archie basically likes to stalk players through my different games x3 Even when Archie isn't physcially there speaking to you, Archie is always watching >.<

It will probably be quite a long time before I start working on the remake of this game because I need to finish some of my other long-term projects first. Once I've completed Clarity in Qualia, Darling Duality, and Bitter/Sweet, I might try to work on the remake then :3 But yeah, it's probably not gonna be for at least a couple of years >.< And when I do get started on it, it'll take me a while to finish since I will have to pretty much remake it from scratch as I can't use the code from Tyranobuilder in Naninovel x3

Yeah, the voice actors really poured their souls into their performances and the game wouldn't be the same without them all! :3 Cutting up and implementing all the voice lines took soooo long xD

Aww, well, thank you so much :3 It makes me super happy to know you like the game so much!

You're kind of correct because it's the same voice actor :P Just 2 different characters.

I'm always looking to work with different people on different projects, so it would be an honour to have an opportunity to work together with you on something at some point :D If it's a long-term project though, I couldn't possibly expect you to do a bunch of work for free >.< That wouldn't be fair to you!

When it comes to game jams and shorter projects, I tend to team up with people and we're all just working together for free just to try and make something cool together :3 But with long-term stuff, I have to try my best to pay people something, even if it's not much x3

I'll add you on Discord anyhow :3 Just know that I don't have notifications or anything on there, so I don't always know when I've got messages, and I tend to be quite slow to reply a lot of the time cos I get so easily overwhelmed >.< (edit: I tried to add you, but it failed x3 You're welcome to try adding me instead though if you want to :3 My name on there is just: melancholymarionette but I don't know what has happened to the numbers you used to get at the end of your name >.< )

Thank you again! :3 Hope you're having a good week so far :D


THANK YOU SO MUCH !! TvT i would like to help you remake this game (SR) i will volunteer to be the CG Artist and i don't really need payment or whatsoever lol i just do this for fun and you really inspired me TwT and i think Archie is mysterious yet thrilling lol xD and i would like to make a fanart of Archie and Player (Anathema) in the future if they have a game and character sprites! 

And omg i didn't think that you would accept my silly volunteer and i'm really so HAPPY RIGHT NOWWW 

Ohhh! it's okay i add you on discord! :3 

And if you want me to draw some characters so far please just me their character spirtes and what expression or emotions they are feeling and the background :3 !


You don't need to thank me x3 I love working with different people :3 Working with others is one of the coolest things about making games cos you get to make something together :D

In all honesty though, it's probably not going to be for a few years at least before I can even start on remaking SR >.< I've got to finish everything I've already started first, and I know it's gonna take a long, long time. 

I need to finish CiQ first, but after that, I've got to finish Darling Duality as well, and that's a pretty big project, so it's gonna take me over a year I reckon x3

I had hoped at one point to show a sprite of Archie in a game in the future, but I don't know if that's going to possible anymore >.< It's more likely I will be replacing Archie with a character that is related to them or something x3 but we shall see I guess!

I hope you are having a good weekend so far :3