Another one !!
i cannot resist the urge to make another fan art of this game soo...xD
they look so lovely here full of love and affection wahhh TvT idk why i am so attached to this game actually i think it made me very comfortable when i played this game and i was so desperate to get to the ??? route LMAO thank you for making this beautiful game i am so shocked that you made this years ago.
And the amount of effort you made for this game is just it, i never seen any visual novel that had many effort's sometimes i just wonder why they aren't any fandom of this when you created this beautifully and the words got me dwelling lol
I cannot be much more sad that it isn't popular in tiktok it'd be nice if many many thousands of people know about this game and many fan arts of this
and if you recreate in this game in the future i hope it will be much more popular amongside thousands of people i mean this game has many players who played this before but it was before i actually got a glimpse of the old kuro design and it was great but i prefer kuro's style now i think that artstyle is 2000's anime artstyle if i am correct
this game is so unique but we still don't know much about that guy on the end who kicked me out of the game (LOL) i was so scared that time and i was like what...?
And i wonder who is the guy and girl who speaks on the first route on ??? and who is Anathema exactly
is that guy some sort of uhm a guardian angel or something? or he is just watching our journey for fun or could he be the one behind this all?
i heard him say after i finished the game he said "No one can't love you like i do"
maybe perhaps he might be the real lover of Anathema? this is such a mystery that's why i love this game anyways just a question when will you recreate this game?
I give kudos to the voice actors and to you for you're all dedication of this game and the amount of time it must have taken is crazy...
anyways i give this game a 5 star i love this game sooo much i will always be back to play this >w< !!
And is that guy from the gamer route he sounds like it very much and he also called the player "Anathema" once so if my theory is correct he might be it
Actually are you still indeed of a CG Artist? you can hire me for free if you want >w< !! i want to support you i saw on your patreon bio that you're indeed of an Artist so maybe you can hire me! if you want anyways please if you made up you're mind please add me on my dc account it's rjifjriojrgitigtig#4901 it would be my pleasure to work with you! <3!