Bloop bloop bloop! Bloop bloop... BLOOP!! 👏🐠
Yes, I speak fish fluently 😎
Short and sweet game, as always! The fishes are very cute and colorful, the atmosphere is great!
However at first I didn't understand that there was more than one fish of every color haha! I think it's because when a fish goes out of the screen and another one appears, it comes from the same spot the first one disappeared. I thought they were as dumb as goldfishes and that they forgot their destination every time they reached a screen border 😂
Fortunately, even if I am the one with a goldfish memory, I was able to beat the game! It is very forgiving and I'm thankful for that haha!
I recommend this game to every fish enjoyer out there, it's a masterpiece no one should miss 👍