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Ok, I manage to start a level. I'm sorry but have you tried your export? Keyboard does not do anything and the controller is broken: triggers don't make the tractor move, but pushing the left stick to the left does. To go foward, I push the stick to the left, to turn left, I have to push it up and to go right I push it down. Could not go really far as I always end up stuck on a wall or a tree... My best score is 13% wheat planted.
Please ping me if you manage to make it playable. I really want to play Need for Wheat x)

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Thanks for letting me know about the controller errors, I will fix those. The keyboard works great on my end with the export, so not sure what is going wrong on your end. Will let you know once I get controller working properly, will investigate that soon :) (As it was working for me in the game engine, but something may have broken on export, will check that out)

I'll try unplugging my controller to see if the key oard wakes up ^^

Programmer is fixing the menu issues, but I have checked both keyboard and controller controls, have fixed the mappings, and have made some other improvements for V5 of the game. Hope it now works better for you :)

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Ok I got to play it! There's still something weird with the steering: as soon as I press the right trigger, I can't properly turn anymore.

I see a lot of potential here. The premise is great but while playing I was picturing a game where you would do turns around a circuit and have to pass through areas to plant or harvest wheat while trying to beat a time. In the state of your game, I could not go fast since every turn is 90° (if not 180) :/ In the end I was always going slow to get to be precise and would never enjoy the full speed potential of my tractor :( Maybe I didn't get it and it was not about speed, though!

Other than that, it is now working pretty well. Without the steering thing, I think the driving would great. The ambiance is fun and the graphics are working along with the global amiance of the game. Having a variety of levels is a plus. Very well done for a 2 weeks worth amount of work for 2 people!

Thank you so much! 

Definitely will take on board your feedback about the steering, needs some tweaking. I set up the gearbox and other settings to be similar to an F1 car, which is why it doesn’t really turn at high speeds without using the hand break to drift lol. But I think making the steering a bit better shouldn’t be too difficult to do! 

Thanks again! Glad the game finally worked for you :) 


No problem!

Please take a look at our game, and give us some insight if you will ;)


sure! Hopefully I’ll have some time this weekend and I’ll take a look! :)