The polish for this game is INSANE. Like, I still remember when I saw the demo Poppyscile posted in the Holojam server with Mococo's animations and the stage with the dialogue. My jaw dropped. I hope to achieve that quality of a look in my future projects and I might end up reaching out to you two for tips!
The game has great features, from the animation, lighting, dialogue and tutorial texts, and the concept of switching between Fuwamoco is very cool, and I love the base of the gameplay! The positives are top notch here!
Now with a large-scoped game like this, I think there were a lot of time-oriented bug/balance issues, and I can't even imagine how difficult it would be to tweak everything within the 2-week timeframe. While I didn't mind the speed of the attacks from Fuwamoco, I felt the hitboxes came out slower than I thought (Especially Fuwawa's reflect). Similarly, like how LightningGrey mentioned, the Chaos items' effect was too much for me as well, and I think it carried over once you ended up dying? I'm not sure about whether that was intentional or a bug. And there were the other small stuff that was mentioned in the description, but that can be added in future builds with more time :)
This game was so awesome to see, and a huge inspiration. I am excited for the updated builds (if you guys continue it!) :D